E-Mail: [email protected]
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Music, Computer, Photoshop, Design, Cars, Mangacars, Virtual Cartuning, Malen & Zeichnen, ...
Jennifer Lopez, Nelly Furtado, Justin Timberlake,Mirjam Weichselbraun, Jim Carrey, George Clooney, Rihanna, ...
Artists: Panic at the Disco, Linkin Park, Jennifer Lopez, Nelly Furtado, Maroon 5, Timbaland, Justin Timberlake, Shakira, 50 Cent, Eminem, (Saliva), Mando Diao, Robbie Williams, Kaiser Chiefs, The Hoosiers, Mika, Fanta 4, Bushido, Chakuza, DMX, Fall Out Boy, The Killers, Franz Ferdinand, The Hives, Kate Nash, Lupe Fiasco, Fettes Brot, ...Music genres: nearly everything ;-)
Ice Age I + II, The fast and the furious ("I - III"), Phone Booth, Bruce Allmighty, Monster in Law, Angel Eyes, Austin Powers, The Transporter, Enough, ...
The Simpsons, King of Queens, Pimp my ride, "Stromberg" (german version of "The office"), Dr. House, Monk, ...
Sender: ORF1, Pro7, RTL (II), Musiksender (Yavido, imusic, Deluxe Music, ...),
UND GANZ WICHTIG: DMAX - für die tollsten Menschen der Welt: Maenner ^^