Ministry - Al Jourgensen - La Taxidermie - Michael Ninn - Bob Flanagan - le miel - Les Carlins
Nick cave stagger lee
envoyé par R_P_M ..
Ministry - Butthole Surfers - Throbbing Gristle - Classics IV - NIN - Acid Horse - LARD - Lead Into Gold - Pailhead - 1000 Homo Djs - Programming The Psychodrill (PTP) - Revolting Cocks - Pink Floyd - a.o.s - Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Einstürzende Neubauten - Julee Cruise - Mr. Bungle - David Lynch And John Neff - Death In Vegas - The Prodigy - Killing Joke - Devendra Banhart - Daniel Ash - Napalm Death - KMFDM - Miles Davis - Tom Waits - The Smiths - King Crimson - Marvin Gaye - Sepultura - Lovage - This Morn' Omina - Synapscape - Asche - And Also The Trees - John Cale - Bohren & Der Club Of Gore - Skip James -
Lynch - Cronenberg - Miike - Argento - Carpenter - Ferrara - Fukasaku - Pálfi - Kubrick - Gilliam - Marker - Gordon
MINISTRY - just one fix
envoyé par punkakademy
Max Brooks - A.Burgess - W.S. Burroughs - T.Capote - L.Carroll - J. Dos Passos - F.Dostoïevski - W.Faulkner - A. Ginsberg - H.James - H.P.Lovecraft - H.Miller - J.Milton - E.A. Poe - W.Shakespeare - B.Stoker - H.J.Thompson
Shakespeare's tragic heroes will be men of rank, and the calamities that befall them will be unusual and exceptionally disastrous in themselves. The hero falls unexpectedly from a high place, a place of glory, or honor, or joy, and as a consequence, we feel that kind of awe at the depths to which he is suddenly plunged. Thus, the catastrophe will be of monumental proportions. A tale, for example, of a man slowly worn to death by disease, poverty, little cares, sordid vices, petty persecutions, however piteous, would not be tragic in the Shakespearean sense of the word. Such exceptional suffering and calamity, then, affecting the hero, and generally extending far beyond him, so as to make the whole scene a scene of woe, are essential ingredients in tragedy, and the chief sources of the tragic emotions, and especially of pity.
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