Member Since: 6/14/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Sean Antanaitis,
David Bergander,
Katrina Ford
Influences: full moon rites, fire jumping, crystal geode worlds, pack animals, futuristic tribal living, Dionysian mysteries "the Dionysian, according to contemporary Greek and Egyptian observers - was one of spirit possession and an 'atavistic' liberation from the constraints of civilization and its rules. It was a celebration of all that was outside civilized society and a return to the source of being.", futuristic trance induction..."The trance induction that was central to the cult involved the 'invocation of spirit' by means of the bull roarer, and ecstatic communal dancing to drum and pipe.." FREEDOM, green energy, mountain magic, vulture magic, panther people, Malian drumming, cave dwelling, evergreens, The harmonic convergence 2012, time travel, power animals, tropical fantasies, underground lakes,
dithyrambic moments, group howls, "Hiawatha's childhood", copal resin, Chief Seattle,
"The magic in your mind", creative visualization, mandala magic, japa meditation, bird calls,
"FREETOWN" (AKU!!!!!!), Zimbabwe mbira, Jajuka, Shamanic journey, "mountain" cooking,
Flamenco music and dance, Ethiopiques!!!, fruit sculpture, the art of Andrew Goldsworthy, Holy Mountain and EL TOPO, silver Thunderbirds, glass fawns, psychic Warrior monks, mirrored worlds, Korean food, Modern gypsies, Cobalt hieroglyphics, space travelers, astrology, reiki, levitational break dance, black light art, bright feathers, Wig Wam dreams, Stuffed animals, sticks and Self hypnosis........
Sounds Like: Celebration
Record Label: 4AD
Type of Label: Indie