breathing, crystals, dance routines (hawks, boy band), plants, the apartment, my very own bed, bbqing, cats, dogs, foxes, wolves, whales, lying on the couch with manray at my feet, not being on an airplane, vivace, icing my back, making soup, sneezing, sleeping, jordar, pouring my kombucha in a fancy glass to fit in at the party.
Otis and Carla, Sam Cooke, Johnny Cash, Melanie. The Shirelles, Nirvana, Celebration, Jewish Legend, Sebastien Grainger.
Satisfaction. Wickerman. Wild at Heart.
Deadwood, Lost, Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Twin Peaks, Big Love. Kid Nation!
The Fountainhead. The Macrobiotic Way. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. Fahrenheit 451. The Web That Has No Weaver. The Evil Eye. Hands of Light. Under The Banner of Heaven. Aura Reiki. Take Your Time. Into The Wild.
tahmineh nikookar, eknath easwaran.