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About Me

Hi,my name is Amanda and of course my nickmane is Spellmistress...This nickname was given to me by a very dear friend of mine (Wally), sadly he died a while back at the age of 52years and it left a big hole in a lot of peoples lives,so i have kept it in memory of him.. Well firstly i am not a fortune teller,i do not beleive that anybody should know their future even if i could do it ,i would'nt...I mean if i give you an example,say i told you that it was pointless going to university to study to be a doctor because you will end up working in tescos,what would you do? Life is for living now,we should all have ideas,plans and adventures,that is what life is ,experiencing and learning,it moulds our personality...Nothing is perfect... I am very sensetive to spiritual activity and have been all my life,i have comunicated a few times and i have found this to be an amazing experience...I find that i have good results in reading peoples pictures and items but i do not charge and i will not give anyone the future,it hasn't happened yet.... I have a lot of fun ghost hunting and yes i spook myself out just like everybody else,i have had a few screams lol...I have a lot of pictures and video footage,some things that scare you turn out to be easily explained and some you can not explain,all very interesting though... As you have probably guessed by now i am quite adventureous and my personality shows that. A good friend ( DALE OVENSTONE ) and i have written a book together and are hoping to get it published soon...It is a fictional book,with a bit of horror and a bit of the paranormal,it will keep you reading....PLEASE HAVE A LOOK AT OUR OTHER SITES...http://spellmistress.co.uk/.........htpp://keepithan dt.info........

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My Interests

As most of you know one of my main ambitions at the moment is to complete the scary little horror novel 'Beneath the Shadow Tree' that myself and Dale Ovenstone, (Texture Revival, http://www.lulu.com/TEXTUREREVIVAL Downloadable books for the 'DIY' Enthusiast) is currently working on (Soon to be released, so watch this space) but I would like to mention to you all how I first become inspired, Dales e-book 'Why Should i Write a Book?!' I came across it and the price was really good compared to other how to books on creating your own e-books, I downloaded it and read it and I really was kicked up the butt, I had my own excuses of course, including: I haven't got the time, I wouldn't know how to set up a downloadable e-book for instance, which format or program to write in, copyright, how to lay out the actual book, where to sell the book online, and theres a section on what to write about, but I really had some wicked ideas for this novel that we're both now working on. I e-mailed Dale out of curiosity and as it happened he didn't live far away from me, anyway, this is how we met, and started our horror novel writing venture.So, I just want to give you all the link page to 'Why Should i Write a Book?!' cause I'm sure it will help you as it have me. PS, he's even giving away the 'e-book cover software' free, so that you can create your own e-book covers,http://www.lookreadlearn.com/whyshouldiwriteabooksale spage.htm


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