Whiskey & Coke, Live Music, Records, Movies
Tom Jones
Bad Brains, FEAR, Turbonegro, Johnny Cash, RAMONES, Misfits, Alice Cooper, Triggers, Circle Jerks, Spits, The Freeze, Angry Samoans, DWARVES, Poisin Idea, Black Flag, Neil Diamond, Zero Boys, Blood for Bood, The Clash, Stiphniods, ADOLESCENTS, Sceam, AC/DC, Soppy Seconds, Weirdos, Social Unrest, Motorhead, D.I., Reagan Youth, Black Sabith, Social Distortion, Minds, Dead Boys, DEVO, G.B.H., Minor Threat, D.O.A., Damned, 7 Seconds, The Last Days of Jesus, CH3, The Stooges, The Chiefs, The Dictators, Descendents
All the good ones. To many for me to type, I'm lazy. Oh yeah, the dirty ones too.