Morris County Green Party profile picture

Morris County Green Party

Morris County Green Party

About Me

26th STATE ASSEMBLY DISTRICT- MORRIS COUNTY- Butler, Chatham, East Hanover, Florham Park, Hanover, Kinnelon, Lincoln Park, Montville, Morris Plains, Parsippany, Pequannock, Riverdale PASSAIC COUNTY- Bloomingdale, Pompton Lakes, West Milford ----------------------------------------------------------VO TE GREEN PARTY FOR REAL CHANGE IN 2007MATTHEW NORTON -- MICHAEL SPECTOR ----------------------------------------------------------Ou r Assemblyman, Alex DeCroce, has been in office for 18 long years. He is now the minority leader in Trenton. During this time he has consistently pandered to district voters, raising feel-good issues and then making sure they are not enacted, so he can continue using them term- after- term.For instance, we are all aware of the state corruption that makes New Jersey a bad political joke. DeCroce has had ample time to really do something about it, but from one administration to another only the names change, corruption continues and he grandstands with his Hall of Shame and other public relations stunts.When DeCroce does vote on issues of importance to district residents he is more often on the wrong side. For instance he voted: * Against the New Jersey Clean Cars Act which would have reduced toxins equal to eliminating two million cars from our roadways. * In favor of the Developer’s Fast Track law which essentially rubber stamps environmental permits.* Against Fast Track repeal. (Assemblyman DeCroce just so happens to be the owner of a real estate brokerage agency). * Against the Energy Efficiency Act which would reduce energy use by setting standards for ceiling fans, commercial clothes washers, refrigerators, freezers, etc.* Against reestablishing the Office of Public Advocate.* Against Reducing Diesel Air Pollution which would have cleaned up 30,000 school buses and publicly owned trucks.The Green Party now needs your help in opening up the electoral process so that voters may have real choices. In return, we promise a fairer system of property and education taxes, along with total access to state government.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Running for political office doesn't come cheap, so we have opened a campaign donor fund. If you would like to help clean up corruption in the Garden State and end the war in Iraq, please send contributions to: 26TH DISTRICT GREEN TEAM, P.O. BOX 429, MT. TABOR, N.J. 07878


We are proud of the fact that that the 26th District Green Team has picked up the endorsement of the National Organization for Women (NOW) New Jersey PAC.


DEMOCRATIC WAR MACHINE REVS UP... During April, 2007 the political party of Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, etc. was responsible for the highest monthly total of dead Americans,Brits and coalition forces in Iraq since January, 2005:...................................... ------------------------------------------------------------ April, 2007....104 Americans, 12 Brits, 1 Other = 117 January, 2005..107 Americans, 10 Brits ,10 Other = 127 ...and countless Iraqis. BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW!


"Bucking the two-party system is not easy. That's why credit should go to Mike Spector of Parsippany and Matt Norton of Cedar Knolls for seeking two Assembly seats this fall in the 26th District as members of the Green Party. The candidates are inviting those interested to meet them 7 p.m. Monday at the Morris County Library in Whippany."We're trying to make our presence felt," Spector said. "We have to do it incrementally."The Greens dream about becoming a party in New Jersey on equal footing with the Democrats and Republicans. That would allow the party, for instance, to hold primaries ala the Republicans and Democrats. For that to happen, Green Assembly candidates would need to garner 10 percent of the vote statewide. That's not only a tall order, it's impossible. The Greens are running candidates in only seven of the state's 40 legislative districts,Spector says New Jersey is one of the worst states in the union for a third party to win acceptance. That's not a real surprise, is it? After all, the Democrats and Republicans make the rules." -Fred Snowflack, Editor, Daily Record, 9/5/2007


The Morris County Green Party has been active since 2003 and focuses on issues such as property tax reform, affordable housing, environmental stewardship, supporting locally owned businesses, building stronger communities through grass roots activism and providing an alternative at the polls. We are an affiliate of the Green Party of New Jersey and Green Party of the United States. Although The Greens have emerged as local and national political players, the future of this organization as well as our country is dependent upon the help and dedication of our volunteers and members.