Xavi Martinez profile picture

Xavi Martinez


About Me

This is Xavi Martinez, a guitar player / composer from Barcelona , Spain. I've been playing guitar for 20 years now, as a semi-pro player since I play mostly for the fun of it :).Actually I play in three different bands: a Rush tribute band, a top 40 80's cover band and a cassic metal band. Also, I'm in the process of creating what's going to be my first solo demo, mostly instrumental tracks with probably some including vocals.I have recorded 2 CD's, one with melodic rock band Seven Ltd in 2000, and another one with the Ringo's Electric Cowboys in 2004. This was a modern country band mainly for playing in clubs.I play onstage with two RANDALL RG200G3 amps, which have plenty of power !!!. My main stage guitar is a custom Washburn N4, which is the fastest playing, more comfortable guitar I've ever had..I use mostly Tesla pickups (www.teslatek.com). Extremely good sounding pickups at a more than reasonable price.Thanks for stopping by .

My Interests


Member Since: 4/27/2007
Band Members: MyWackoSpace MySpace Generators MySpace Editor MySpace Icons Icons Collage
Influences: Probably too many, but I'd say Ian Bairnson, Jeff Beck, Mike Landau and Mike Oldfield are my closest influences. There are way too many good musicians out there........ The list would be endless.

Sounds Like: I hope to sound like me !!!! :).
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Cercant grup..............

Estaría interessat en integrar-me en un grup a Barcelona, de rock , AOR , progressiu o qualsevol cosa que soni bé :). Les orquestes no m'interessen, gràcies. Necessito grup seriós, amb idees clar...
Posted by Xavi Martinez on Sat, 24 May 2008 05:07:00 PST

Greetings from a noob

Dear All, This is my small contribution to this self contained universe called MySpace. I'm a guitar player from Barcelona, Spain. The tune you will find here "Challenges", is my first instrumental . ...
Posted by Xavi Martinez on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 03:58:00 PST