Play, get loved and more of each. I would also love to meet some other Chihuahuas. I love to dress up but there's not that many cute boy clothes. I love to go shopping with my mom or anywhere she goes.
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CassieGirl 2/88 to 3/07
You are so very missed baby girl
----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Sep 17, 2007 3:15 AM
My name is Gizmo, I am just over a year now and life couldn't be better, see my real mom died giving birth to me and I am the only survivor so I was bottle fed and spoiled immediately. My new mom, well she is great. Plus I have 2 cats, Promise & Special I play with and then I have these 2 huge dogs Bandit and Brewster that look like high rises to me but they love me just the same. Then I have this human, mom says he's a dad, well I love to stay in bed with him when mom is at work. Dad loves to spoil me too. I weigh 2.9 lbs they say I will be 3 1/2 lbs when I grow up. We'll see. I have long hair which both my mom and dad were short hair so I was just the all around surprise.
"CassieGirl" moms 19 year old kitty that she just lost due to kidney failure. The whole family really misses her, I do too even tho I didn't know her but I hear she was very special. Mom was so hurt when she died so suddenly she decided to get a little lap dog and she found me.....I have made my mom smile and laugh again but then again I am such a bundle of love. She says I am the cutes thing she has ever seen.....gee, what do you think? Am I just a cutie or what?
I love making all my myspace friends, you are all soooo nice. Just one thing I want to know, will you ever come over so I can share my toys with you??? Or maybe I will ask my mommy to take me to your house.
Since mommy got me she is now involved with the Chi Rescue and loves saving Chihuahuas. We are always saving them and fostering them. It is so fun having new brothers and sisters, getting them ready for their new homes and when they finally leave for their forever homes we get new fosters. Yikes, it is so much fun. But don't you worry, I am still mommies favorite and I get tons and tons of attention. I love it.
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I already met her.
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Doggie Daycare, America's Cutest Puppy (personally I think I am but they haven't come to my hometown yet), Animal Planet.
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Lassie, Bambi, Barbaro the great, Dr Doolittle and ya got to luv GARFIELD!
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Here's my new friend Buddy. He lives near me and I can't wait to go meet him.