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Scrawl Girl ++chiba++ On the Net

About Me

Don't ask me to smile

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Me Playing with handcuffs and chain short video

My video "Frame000"

My Interests

Arte, Fotografia, Erotismo, Bande Desinee, Elettronica, Luci di Wood


I'd like to meet:

Andrea Pazienza, Carmelo Bene, Vladimirovic Majakovskij, Enrico Ghezzi, Daniele Luttazzi, Abel Ferrara, Andrej Tarkowskij, Vincent Gallo...


Techno, Electronica
sound miror

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the hacker

Add to My Profile | More VideosIl ragazzo più bello che sia mai esistito su questo pianeta:


Stalker, Mulholland Drive, Solaris, Ghost in The SheLL, Innocence, A Snake Of June, Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo, Dangerous Game, Buffalo 66, The Brown Bunny, Distance, The Blackout, The last temptation of Christ

Spegnete la TV e Accendete il cervello!!
Turn OFF TV and Turn ON your Brain!!


Spegnete la TV e Accendete il cervello!!
Turn OFF TV and Turn ON your Brain!!


Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo, La Scimmia sulla schiena, Pompeo


Andrea Pazienza, Carmelo Bene, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Abel Ferrara