Art: traditional and digital, tableaux vivant / live painting/living pictures , sinestetic sound, alternative lecterature, gnomita', psicology of motivation, communication science, androginy, paraphilie, body mutation, feticism of paint or statue or broken jewels, gender's transformation,paggism,S/M.
traditional and digital artists, alternative poetry,
freaks,musicians,DJ, mad genius,androginy women, artists of body modification, mesmerizers, creatives,player and fucker of the gender,slaves and mistress...NO LAPALISSIAN OR ATARASSIC PEOPLE!
Zoloo, electro minimal,electro punk, classic, jazz,whorse, dj set.
"Un chein andalous"-L.Bunuel "Mulholland drive"-D.Lynch "L'impero dei sensi"("Ai No Corrida")-Nagisa Oshima
"La storia del cammello che piange"-Byambasuren Davaa
"Big Fish"-Tim Burton
"The elephant man"-D.Lynch
"Tutto quello che volevate sapere sul sesso e non avete mai osato chiedere"- W.Allen
"Delicatessen"-Marc Caro Jean-Pierre Jeunet
"E Johnny prese il fucile"-Trumbo
"Arancia meccanica"-Stanley Kubrick
"Freaks"-Tod Browning
"Dolls"-Takeshi Kitano
"D'amore si vive"-S.Agosti
"21grammi"-Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
"XXY"-LucÃa Puenzo
"Boys don't cry"-Kymberly Peirce
"Il profumo"_P.Suskind "Cavie"_C.Pahalaniuck "Zoo"_Isabella Santacroce "Il profondo della superficie"_Simmel "Semiotics:il gusto si discute"_Landowsky "The Jungle"_Upton Sinclaire "L'uomo proiettile"_S.Agosti "Umano troppo umano"_F.Nietzsche "Lettere dalla Kirghisia"_S.Agosti
Edward Munch,Leonard from Vinci, Caravaggio, Charles Baudelaire, Louis Bunuel, Pablo Picasso, Byambasuren Davaa, Emile Durkheim, Petty & Cacioppo, Vincent Van Gogh, Patrick Suskins, Delacroix, Julius Kaiser...