My Wife. A good meal with a bottle of wine. Our garden.
You Know who you are..I'd hope you know. Having said that; I like to meet people who don't take things so personal that you have to be careful what you say or you'll hurt their feelings. I'm at an age now that I don't want to babysit people that can't take it. There are so many people that can dish it out but when the table are turn they cry foul. My Grandmother use to say "if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen",and that's my felling also. I like debates, differenceses of opinions and competition, these help stimulate the mind and to keep it sharp. No wimps please!!!!
Just about everything you can think of from Bach to ZZ Top. If it sound good we listen to it. I don't think I have a favorite group but Pink Floyd is the one group that I have the most DVD's. The doors are one of the best but then I like REM, Pink is hot but so is Johnney Cash. I could go on like this for a long time because that how much good music their is out there. If you look at may friends you'll see some of what I like..most of these musicans have played at my art events or I know personally.
Good ones
It sucks out your mind and turns people into vegetables.
Science fiction, Tad William, Dean Koontz, Lord of the Rings. And the book I've read the most of through my life, the Bible.
My wife, for putting up with me through all of these 27 years.