Online Marketing, Writing Articles/e-Books, 3D Animation, Video Game Design, Web Design, Football, Martial Arts
Rock (Alterntive/Progressive/Heavy), Dramatic War Music (from the movies)
The Last Samurai, 300, Star Wars, Pirates of Silicon Valley
Family Guy, Any Business Shows, South Park, Football
SEO for Noobs
Great e-Book for Beginners or Experts at Internet
Marketing. Provides detailed information on using affiliate programs to make
yourself some money, as well as advertising/promotion techniques.
Google Wealth Wizard
HUGE e-Book on using AdWords to promote products from
ClickBank or other affiliate programs. It is a bit expensive but for 115
pages of information jam-packed on using AdWords it is well worth it.
Rich Jerk
Another great e-Book on utilizing ClickBank to make
yourself some money. Well-Written, Well-Designed e-Book that has a lot of
info on advertsing methods as well. The most popular e-Book EVER
Honest Riches
Provides a ton of information on using ClickBank and
other Affiliates Markets to make money, along with a lot of information on
advertising and just great techniques altogether. One of the best e-Books on
the market for its topic
Those who never gave up and made it