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Mother Sage


About Me

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My Interests

Teaching, Learning..meeting new friends.Going to Pagan gatherings,danceing aroung a fire, drumming, growing Herbs.And circle with my friends..........Making and Sewing Capes and Gowns. ......Goddess speake to me......... A man wispered, "Goddess speak to me" And meadowlark sang but the man did not here. So the man yelled, " Goddess speak to me" And the thunder rolled across the sky. The man looked around and said "Goddess let me see you",And a star shone brightly. But the man did not notice. And the man shouted "Goddess show me a miracle", and life was born. But the man did not know. so he cryed out in despair. "Touch me Goddess and let me know you are there!" But the man brushed the Butterfly away and walk on.---Auther Unknown
Buried at

I'd like to meet:

This site, can also be used as a learning place for pagans, wiccans,..witchs to help learn the craft. More or less......You can Ask a Crone..or crones. But its open to all pagan friends,( Iam just willing to help answer questions in my mailbox!!)All mail will be answerd in mail box, not on front page . -----------------------------------------------------------B eltane....Greater Sabbat,the Lord has grown into a Man,He and the Lady unite,And Mother Earth swells with life. It is a celebration of fertility and healing mother earth.A very good time to give your house a good cleaning.--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------Litha- Summer solstice/June21 - Midsummer,longest Day of the year, Every thing is growing, the Earth is full of Fertility, the God and the Goddess have reached full maturity, Goddess is pregnat with child, and the Oak King rules midsummer.--------------------------------------------Lughna ssad ( august 2 ) The first or early Harvest.--Also called Lammas, one of the greater Sabbats,It is traditional on this day to bake Breads, and bless all that is plentiful.


Fleetwood Mac,Santana,Enya and Stevie Nicks just to name a few.
Buried at


Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, The Craft,Any thing by John Wayne. Big Love, to see whats going to happen next.---------------------------------------------- --My body is the Earth,Iam Yggdrassil. My roots go down, Down. Past the flowers and roots. Beneath the rock, And above the core of the Earth. Iam firmly grounded, and part of Mother Earth.----My Spirit is of the sky. Like the branches of the tree of life, it reaches out, never ending throught the atmosphere, Beyond the Moon Beyond the Sun. Free among the endless expanse of the stars and galaxies. Iam an infinite part of the infinite Universe.----My Earthly flesh and my Universal spirit, join in my living body to create the spark of life. Iam one with the Elements and call to me their material powers og Magik and creation, Iam one with the Gaddess And ask that she inspire me with her Lunar energy. Iam at one withe the God, and ask that he shine on me his Solar power.Ian at one withe the Universe, Earth and Sky Day and night,Light and Dark, Earth, Aie Fire, Water,Spirit and Matearial Past, Present, Future. Branch and root, Black and white. Life and Death, as all are One!!!!!!w.
Buried at --------------May the East fling open your windows, and fill your rooms with Air.--May the South send you strong sunshine, and give you strength to Dare.--May the WEST wash Rivers into your HEART, AND Oceans into your Soul.--May the North share the Secrets of the Earth....To heal and make you whole.


Iam A Witch In deepest night, in forest deep. In broad daylight, awake and asleep. Iam Witch at every hour. Touching Magick,wielding power. Iam Goddess neverborn. I wear the crescent, wear the horn. I cast the circle, raise the crone, and pour the wine when powers flown."An ye harm none,do as ye will" Heal always--never Kill. Work your will, but Earth revere. And every living creature here. Celebrate as the Wheel turns. Dance and leap as belfires burn.Sour upon the Astral Planes. Swim with Dolphins in the Sea. Say to all things "Iam thee" Live in peace with cowan folk. Touch with Magick, give them hope. Live with kindness die with peace.

My Blog


Thank you all who have and are still joining myspace new group Awitchesplace..I hope every one has a good time there. And learns and teaches and shares.        ...
Posted by Mother Sage on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 08:17:00 PST

Teachimg and learnin

This myspace is for any one wanting to lean about the Craft. Or has questions about spells. (for good) only please.
Posted by Mother Sage on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:13:00 PST