MoRe SeCRets On mY BLoG
CLiCk To JOiN tHe ExSeCRet MYsPaCe GRoUP
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The Secret has existed throughout the history of humankind. It has been discovered, coveted, suppressed, hidden, lost and recovered. It has been hunted down, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money. Now for the first time in history, The Secret is being revealed to the world.
The human genome (the genetic material of an organism) is arranged into 12 dimensionalized mathematical programs, each of which set the blueprint for one Double-Helix chemical DNA Strand.Each Double-Helix strand blueprint is composed of 12 base-magnetic (Mion) "female" Base Codes and 12 base-electrical (Dion) "male" Acceleration Codes.
When the human genome is functioning naturally, the 12 Base Codes and 12 Acceleration Codes that hold the mathematical program for each Double-Helix strand combine to form a set of 12 Vector Codes. One Base Code + one Acceleration Code= 1 Vector Code.The 12 Vector Codes of the human genome manifests as 12 NUCLEOTIDE BASE CHEMICALS that form the Nucleotide Base Pairs of which the chemical Double-helix DNA Strands are composed.Due to the NDC-Grid "Checkerboard Mutation" unnatural sonic control program in Earth's grids, only four Vector Codes have been active in biological Earth life since 25,500 BC, making the chemical DNA of Earth life falsely appear to be a "Base 4 Genetic Alphabet". The foundations of human DNA are minute templates of crystallized frequency, that is, electro-tonal sound patterns and electromagnetic light spectra that magnetically group into crystalline form.
These minute, multidimensional crystalline templates are referred to as DNA Seed Codes.
The DNA Seed Code, the template for one DNA strand is composed of 12 magnetic particle units (Base Codes) and 12 electrical anti-particle units (Acceleration Codes)
Each DNA strand is composed of the frequency patterns and light spectra of one dimensional band.
Everything out there is a holographic projection. Consciousness projects. We see the hologram because of what is held within our DNA.Each DNA Strand represents a Fire Letter Code/Scalar-wave program sequence corresponding to 1 Dimensional Frequency Band of consciousness/energy
All Aspects of human DNA are built upon this morphogenetic template of 12 Base Codes and 12 Acceleration Codes. (= 24 Seed Codes = 1 DNA strand). The level of frequencies accreted (accretion level) into the personal morphogenetic field will determine the level of DNA strand assembly you posses. As you pull in more frequency bands from the dimensional Unified Fields, your accretion level rises, more DNA codes assemble and become operational within your DNA strands, and your consciousness and perceptual field expands. DNA Template and Kundalini Activation do not occur via “wishful thinking†or “hopeful intentionâ€, they are processes of natural Bio-Spiritual CREATION PHYSICS, which occur via educated, conscious direction of energy and genuine Spiritual Wisdom.There is a natural Divine Right Order of energy mechanics that govern the manifestation of consciousness in biological form; the mechanics of this order must be understood and appropriately applied if one expects to attain genuine Bio-Spiritual Mastery.
True name: Sha' Ka' Ra' .Through the rotation of the 15 Merkaba Fields, an energy structure in the form of an "egg" or capsule is formed within the Auric Field.The 15 energetic capsules exist within the same space, separated by variance in dimensional particle pulsation rhythms.Through these energetic capsule structures, the Chakra System, or dimensional energy supply system, is formed.Through the Chakra System a form's particle base builds up into structures of multidimensional matter.Of the 15 Chakra Centers, nine are located within the physical body structure. The 6 remaining Chakras (Morphogenetic Chakras - MC) exist within the bio-energetic Auric field, some close to the bodies, others extending outward into the galaxy and connect the human bio-energetic system and dimensional Merkaba fields to the Merkaba Fields of Earth and the Stellar Spirals.Of the nine embodied chakras, two are presently dormant; these will be called into activation in humans participating in Stellar Activations.Each of the six Stellar Activations the Earth will encounter between 2000 and 2017 can also be achieved by humans if the human chakra system is used appropriately to draw in frequency patterns and light spectra from the Stellar Spirals.The process of assembling DNA strands by working with the higher chakras is the process of bringing frequency form the Stellar Spirals into the Star Crystal Seals.
Within the 15-dimensional Unified Field, the morphogenetic field creates structures of multidimensional electromagnetic energy (EM), around and through which the matter form will manifest. These multidimensional EM fields are collectively referred as the Bio-energetic System or the Auric Field of a manifest form. All manifest forms posses a Bio-energetic System/Auric Field.The Auric Field has seven primary, inner layers through which physical manifestation takes place and which correspond to dimensional frequency bands 1 through 7.
The Auric Field also has seven outer layers, which represents the form-holding morphogenetic imprints for the seven inner layers of the Auric Field.The seven outer layers correspond to dimensional frequency bands 9 through 15.The 14 layers of the Auric Field are connected to each other through a central point within the eighth dimension Meta-galactic Core.This center point represents the point through which a forms' original morphogenetic imprint was entered into the 15-dimensional system (Time Matrix).Through the rotation of the 15 Merkaba Fields, an energy structure in the form of an "egg" or capsule is formed within the dimensional Unified Field of each of the 15 dimensions.The 15 energetic capsules exist within the same space, separated by variance in dimensional particle pulsation rhythms.The energetic form of the capsules gives the Auric Field the appearance of capsules within capsules, or 15 distinct, interpenetrating, capsule-shaped layers.
Universal Manifestation Templates (Morphogenetic Fields - MF) are called TIME MATRICES. There are uncountable Time Matrices within the Energy Matrix, which are collectively referred as The Time Matrix.All Time Matrices within the Cosmic Energy Matrix follow a specific mathematical-geometrical program through which space- time and matter can be experienced by consciousness upon the Time Matrix structure.Time Matrices are arranged upon a pattern of 15 different, but interwoven, Partiki Phasing rhythms (rhythms of expansion and contraction of energy).
Each of the 15 rhythms of Partiki Phasing creates one Dimension.Within the Time Matrix the 15-Dimensions are further arranged into sets of 3 Dimensions, forming 5 3-Dimensional reality fields called Harmonic Universe (HU), and each HU represents a level of matter densification specific to its intrinsic rates of Partiki Phasing.One Time Matrix is thus a 15-Dimensional Scalar Grid with 5 separate reality fields (Harmonic Universes) and 5 different densities of matter manifestation.There are 5 simultaneous manifesting Euiago Cycles (Time Cycle) in every Time Matrix, through which consciousness passes in order to experience linear evolution through space, time and matter,Each Euiago Cycle contains within it 6 smaller cycles of time called Time Continua.It is through the multidimensional relationships between angles of particle and anti-particle spin (ARPS) that multiple reality fields (Harmonic Universes - HU) can take place in the same space, while remaining invisible to each other. As a planet evolves through this process. the rate of particle pulsation, and thus the speed at which it moves, progressively increases, while the density of matter progressively decreases.
When the original Stream of Consciousness enters the dimensionalized structures of the Time Matrix its original arrangement and Fire Letters break down, fragmenting its consciousness through the dimensional scale producing new forms of individuation.This process is called Stair Step Creation or Vibrational Downstepping. (A process of exponential fractalization)The process of Stair Step Creation can be viewed as a singular beam of light and sound, holographically refracting within the scalar fields of the Time Matrix, spreading itself into multiple beams ('Sacred Rays').Each new beam of light and sound consciousness, that is formed through the splitting of the original consciousness, retains part of the original Fire Letter design of the original Stream of Consciousness.It also creates new, smaller, streams that manifest as further differentiated identities and manifest forms.In relation to human form the structure of dimensionalized consciousness takes the form of the 15 dimensional identities of the Time Matrix structure.The various structures of multi-dimensional human consciousness exists as forms of sentient awareness, identities possessing attributes and form, characteristic of the dimensions on which they appear.
double slit experiment
In science, the observer effect refers to changes that the act of observing has on the phenomenon being observed. For example: observing an electron will change its path. Not only does this happen because the observing light or radiation contains enough energy to disturb it, but it also happens if no measurement is made and if only it becomes possible to make such a measurement. An example of the latter is the Aharonov-Bohm effect.In quantum mechanics, if the outcome of an event has not been observed, it exists in a state of superposition, which is being in all possible states at once. The most famous example is the thought experiment Schrödinger's cat, in which the cat is neither alive nor dead until observed — until that time, the cat is both alive and dead (technically half-alive and half-dead in probability terms). However, it is not clear that quantum observation requires a human or sentient observer.In physics, a more mundane observer effect can be the result of instruments that by necessity alter the state of what they measure in some manner. For instance, in electronics, ammeters and voltmeters usually need to be connected to the circuit, and so by their very presence affect the current or the voltage they are measuring. Likewise, a standard mercury-in-glass thermometer must absorb some thermal energy to record a temperature, and therefore changes the temperature of the body which it is measuring.The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is frequently, but incorrectly,confused with the "observer effect," as it relates precision in measurements related to changes in velocity and position of certain particles relative to the perspective the observer takes on them.
In simple words, everything is made of the same particles which vibrate at different frequencies, every time we are closing our eyes and we stop observing, all particles, objects, life forms etc, exist in all possible positions and our belief is locking the possible manifesting position. WE SEE WHAT WE BELIEVE .
The organic interdimensional core energy systems of a planet, along with the inherent portals, vortices, Ley Lines and Star Gates, are known as the Planetary Templar Complex.At a universal level this interdimensional energy system is called Universal Templar Complex.The Planetary Templar Complex includes the natural Thermo-radionic, Photo-sonic and Electromagnetic functions of the planet's organic energy system.The mathematical and geometrical structure of the Universal, Planetary and Personal Templar Complex includes Kathara Grids, Shields, Seals, etc., as well as many other energetic structures.The organic energy system of a planet includes the realities of the interdimensional Time Portal and Dimensional Lock Systems, the natural network of Portals and Star Gates (or Signets) through which a planet is connected to many other interstellar, interdimensional, space-time systems.The ancient advanced Sacred Science knowledge concerning the manual operation of the powers of Earth's Templar has been lost to humanity for many thousands of years.The return of this knowledge in our contemporary times will enable human beings of the present generation and those yet to come, to orchestrate advanced applications of Global Healing, organic Free Energy Systems and to eventually open access to the Star Gates and Portals of Earth's Templar.Universal Life Force Currents from the 15-Dimensional Spectrum (See: Energy Matrix and Time Matrix) continually circulate throughout the Planetary Templar Complex system, holding the planet in manifest matter form.Universal Energy or Life Force Currents flow through Earth's Templar via the organic energy conduits of natural Planetary Merkaba Fields. Manual interaction with Earth's Templar Complex takes place through employment of advanced Merkaba Mechanics, by which the human DNA Template and body can be activated to serve as a direct electromagnetic conduit of frequency from the interdimensional frequency spectrum into Earth's Planetary Shields.Humanity was created to hold the commission of serving as Earth's guardian race, which implies "Holding the Keys to Earth's Templar"; the knowledge of Templar Mechanics is the heritage of Divine Sacred Science by which humanity can fulfill its Divine Commission as Planetary Guardians.
The mysteries of the location of the Universal Mind (Collective Intelligence)
Remote viewing is the amazing psychic ability to perceive places, persons, and actions that are not within the range of the senses. Remote viewing might well be called psychic dowsing. Instead of a twig or other device, one uses psychic power alone to dowse the entire galaxy, if need be, for whatever one wants.The CIA and the U.S. Army thought enough of remote viewing to spend millions of taxpayers' dollars on research in a program referred to as "Stargate."
In order to successfully remote view, an individual must operate at a level of mind where he/she will show electrical brain wave traces where Theta waves oscillating between 4 to 5 cycles per second will predominate. Psychophysiologists call this the deep Theta level of the mind.
The deep Theta zone is precisely at the interface with the Delta level of mind (deep sleep), where the human brain waves oscillate between 1 to 4 cycles per second.
How remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded The Delta level of mind (deep sleep: no dreaming present), has remained up to now one of the most mysterious and unsolved puzzles of modern science. Man has, and is exploring further and further frontiers of the natural world and of space, but has yet to gain any understanding of a state in which he spends close to a third of his lifetime. There is a good reason for this: Since consciousness is lost at the Delta level, the scientific mainstream has concluded that most thought processes disappear when sleeping (except for the relatively short dream periods, which have drawn the biggest research efforts). Since no one has ever recalled any experiences while in the Delta state, it was inferred that there was really nothing to be recalled. Remote viewing operations in Europe have shown otherwise.When someone is awake and totally active, his/her brain waves operate at a level called Beta where they mainly oscillate between 14 to 30 cycles per second.
As one's mind relaxes and disconnects somehow from the external material world - as when daydreaming, for instance, or when meditating, or watching a movie - one enters a more focused, expanded state of awareness where brain wave patterns are mainly composed of Alpha waves oscillating at between 8 and 13 cycles per second. When relaxing even further, the mind enters a region that correlates with a large relative quantity of brain wave patterns of 4 to 7 cycles per second. This is the Theta zone of the mind.
How remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded The Beta level corresponds to a focus of concentration by the mind upon the outside or perceptually separated world, and the Alpha and Theta levels correspond to a more internally focused, self-reflective state.
How remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded Each human being experiences the Theta level for a fleeting moment every night before the mind dips down from the Beta level of awareness (awake state), to the Delta state (brain waves of less than 4 cycles per second: deep sleep), and passes rapidly through the Alpha and Theta states to enter the profound sleep level, where consciousness of self is totally lost, and where even dreams do not occur. (When dreaming, a sense of self is necessary and the mind has to go back up to the Theta or Alpha state.)
Delta is the level of the mysterious universal mind. It is the level at which the differentiated self (ego) expands to become undifferentiated and operates outside of the confines of linear time/space. This is the level of One.
www.probablefuture.com Academy of Remote Viewing
Subconscious mind understands only the Language of images and symbols.This is the reason everywhere around us we see images and symbols. Behind every symbol is coded as a mathematical program the intention of the creator of the symbol . For example when you see the Mcdonalds symbol your eyes see the letter M , but the Subconscious mind sees the code behind the symbol and if the conscious mind will not reject that code ,then the Subconscious mind will adopt the symbol code as a belief and it will start influencing your day to day life . The code behind the Mcdonalds symbol could say ,eat more, you are addicted to this product , you want to eat everyday etc . In this ancient powerful technique you will learn how to create your own mathematical programs and use them to manifest your desires .
Write down on a piece of paper the goal, with as many details as possible and on the same page create a unique symbol , anything you want , something easy to remember and state that this symbol represents the goal.Write after the symbol the phrase " Thah-A-Jha Inta Doa " (Anuhazi Language, the first spoken Language in this Universe, has 144 letters Alphabet and it means , "As it is stated so it is done") . Subconscious mind knows now this symbol represents your goal.You just have created a powerful mathematical program.Visualize the symbol as clear as you can (if you can't see it clear use your powerful intention) before sleep and when you wakeup or when you are meditating, feel that already happened with no doubt,feel the joy of having what you desire.Also you can bring the symbol close to your face, 30cm-12" and cross your eyes gently until you will see it double for 3-4 minutes . This will stimulate the Pineal Gland .If for a moment when you do the visualization the brain falls into theta state of mind (4-7Hz) then the new program is in. The More thought energy you are putting to the symbol the closer the goal is coming to you. It's very powerful also when many people working together with the same goal and symbol.
~:WARNING:~,if you use this powerful technique with bad intentions towards other Human Beings or other Life forms , this will come back to you three times more.Enjoy
One way to understand the Cosmic Structure as well as our unseen Personal Anatomy is picturing it as many layers of spinning spheres within spinning spheres.For example, one sphere is the Eckasha sphere and it spins CCW and it creates through deflection our CW spinning Ecka world spheres.Our Ecka world sphere spins CW and it creates through deflection our CCW spinning Veca sphere.Inside the Veca there are four quadrant spheres (Time Matrices), two D12 Density Divine Blueprint spheres and two D14 Primal Light Field spheres.Every density level sphere downsteps and manifests as an opposite charge and spin sphere taking place within the same point. It only appears to be separated due to the Angular Rotation of Particle Spin (ARPS).Every sphere has a central vertical spinning axis or column of frequency called the Staff and a horizontal spinning axis called the Rod.The God Worlds are composed of different Domains.The Godworlds of the Outer Domain or manifest worlds - Outer Worlds - (where we reside) emerge form the Middle Domain, and the Middle Domains emerge form the Inner Domains (Inner Hub Worlds) which in turn emerge form the Core of Creation.
This is a movement in and out from the Core of Creation as opposed to the up and down movement within our Star Gates.
The levels closest to God/Source is known as the Eckasha-Aah Universe or God World. 1 Eckasha Aah God World = 4 Eckasha-A Spectra = Level 4 Eckasha-Ash Body, 1 Eckasha-A Spectra = 4 Eckasha Corridors = Level 3 Eckasha-A Body, 1 Eckasha Corridor = 4 Ecka Worlds = Level 2 Eckasha Body, 1 Ecka Worlds = 4 Veca Universes = Level 1 Ecka-Veca Body, 1 Veca Universe = 4 15 Dimensional Time Matrices. (4
A set of counter-rotating, electro-magnetic energy spirals.
Energy moves form the seven outer layers of the Auric Field (D-9 through D14) and into manifestation within dimensions 1-7, through the structure of Merkaba Fields.Each form has fifteen dimensional Merkaba Fields, which hold its morphogenetic imprint intact within the 15-dimensional Unified Field. Through the rotation of the 15 Merkaba Fields, an energy structure in the form of an "egg" or capsule is formed within the dimensional Unified Field of each of the 15 dimensions.Merkaba Fields are the energetic ‘organs’ by which we are kept in manifest dimensionalized phase lock, they are also the tools by which we can release ourselves from phase lock.They enable us to move (which in reality is to expand) into the next set of dimensional fields of existence and progressively ascend.Not all Merkaba teachings offered at this time achieve this positive outcome and this is why there is such an emphasis and thorough detail given on Merkaba Mechanics within the MCEO teachings.
Merkaba Fields are the "energy engines and consciousness carriers" by which Life Force and Consciousness are circulated between the internal Kathara Grid scalar template and the Trion-Meajhon Field Radial Body "veil" as they pass into an out of external manifestation.The perpetual polarization, electromagnetic expression and de-polarization of the Life Force Currents within the Merkaba Field Form Constant electromagnetic domain is the process by which the holographic projection of matter is perpetually brought into and taken out of perceptually experiential being.The Radial Body or Trion-Meajhe Field receives, via Merkaba Field circulation, the template or "design"for its particle manifestation from the "instructions" held in the Divine Blueprint Maharic Shield and DNA Template of the Kathara Grid.The Merkaba Field also receives its instructions for energy circulation from the Kathara Grid and DNA Template.In the Center of the Merkaba is the Crystal Seed Atom, and it is that which makes the Merkaba spin.
Two Counter-Rotating Merkaba Spiral Sets (electric/magnetic), when fully activated represents one Merkaba Field.Counter-Rotation of the 2 Merkaba Spirals in a spiral set means that the "top" (electric) Merkaba Spiral spins in one direction, while the "bottom" (magnetic) Merkaba Spiral spins in OPPOSITE direction.The Merkaba Vehicle is a transient (not permanent) Merkabic structure of interwoven. spiraling electro-magnetic fields that when activated, allows for molecular cohesion of the physically manifest atomic body structure during Star Gate travel and Ascension.Activation of the personal Merkaba Vehicle is required in order to replenish the natural supply of Life Force energies through which the Immortal "Breatharian", original "Angelic Human" and "Indigo-Oraphin" Eternal Life Body forms are perpetually maintained.Activation of the Merkaba Vehicle is required to achieve Eternal Life, time travel and Star Gate passage.The Natural Merkaba Spin Ratio creates an Electro-magnetic Anti-particle/Particle balance of 33 1/3 trillion Revolutions Per Nanosecond, parts Base-Electrical Anti Particles (expanding energies - "Masculine" Rotates Clockwise) to 11 2/3 trillion Revolutions Per Nanosecond, Parts Base-Magnetic Particles (contracting energy - "Feminine" Rotates Counter-clockwise), or 33 1/3 Electrical-Oscillations to 11 2/3 Magnetic-Vibrations per 1 Merkaba rotation, within the natural Density-1 Matter Base.
Ufo's are artificial Merkaba fields
The "end times" represent the point in Earth's evolution when the planet has completed a cycle of 26,556 years (Euiago Cycle) and moves forward through its ascension period to begin a new cycle.
Reference to this ascension cycle (the transition Earth will encounter during its 2000-2017 ascension cycle) can be found within the calculations of the Mayan calendar, inscriptions within the ancient Egyptian pyramids and within the rich tapestry of Native American oral tradition and many other tribal culturesOur upcoming "end times" hold a promise not present during the end times of past 26,556-year cycles, for this is the first time the planetary grid will vibrate high enough to allow planetary dimensional ascension to take place.This opportunity has not been available on Earth for over 200,000 years.The Bridge Zone Project is made possible precisely because Earth is approaching the end of its present time cycle.If it were not for the Bridge Zone Project, Earth would once again be unable to fulfill the promise of ascension, as without Guardian intervention Earth's grid would not have reached the necessary level of vibration.The planet would have remained within the HU-1 dimensions for another 26.556-year cycle.The new cycle would have reached and early close with the destruction of Earth before the next ascension period occurred.Earth and the human populations are now approaching a series of Stellar Activations, as part of Earth's natural 25.556-years Euiago cycle.The Auric Field of the planet and those of Earth's populations will undergo transformation between 2000AD-2017AD.In order to achieve Ascension to the Bridge Zone Earth and avoid becoming trapped in the D-3 time cycle, a minimum of one and one half personal Stellar Activations must take place.Earth will experience six such activations between 2000-2017.
12. MONSEGUR S. FRANCE---------------------------KAUAI HAWAII
10. ABADAN, IRAN------------------------------AL BASRAH, IRAQ
9. BAM TSO, TIBET---------------------------WESTBURY S. ENGLAND
8. XIAN , CHINA------------------------------TAKLAMAKAN LOP-NOR, TIBET
6. MOSCOW , RUSSIA-------------------------THAR DESERT , INDIA
4. GIZA , EGYPT-------------------------------AGUASCALIENTES , MEXICO
(East and West of--------------------(North or South)
Greenwich Meridian)---------------------of Equador)------------------------(Connects to)
4---CAIRO-GIZA EGYPT-------31.5E--------------30N-----SOL(SUN) AND MARS/NIBIRU
10---ABADAN IRAN-------------49E--------------30.8N-----VEGA LYRA AND PLUTO
11---VALE OF PEWSEY----------1.9W------------51.5N------AVEYON LYRA/AVALON LYRA AND NIBIRU
12---MONSEGUR S.FRANCE-----1.8E----------42.8N------ARAMATENA("DoubleDoubl
The term "Indigo Children" refers to the frequencies of the 6th-dimensional wave band, the Indigo wavelength of the 15-Dimensional spectrum.
The Palaidia Maji Grail Line races that have been progressively incarnating on contemporary Earth for the past 100 years and referred as the "Indigo Children Type 1 and 2" in preparation for the Sacred Mission of the long awaited 2000-2017 Stellar Activation Cycle (SAC). Maji Grail Line Indigo Children are born with the 6th-Strand Template of their 24-48 Strand DNA Template activated at birth, whereas the Angelic Humans with 12-Strand DNA Template are born with three strands of 12 activated. Activation of the 6th-DNA Strand Template allows the D-6 Indigo wave spectra and the D-6 consciousness characteristic to this wavelength, to embody within the Indigo Children fetal body. The Indigos are indeed a "new breed" of children because they represent a new breed of consciousness now entering incarnation within our time. The Indigos are are in truth representatives of a very OLD BREED of consciousness once prevalent on Earth, and in their reemergence today they serve as harbingers of our race evolution - the way - showers of things to come, as our race evolution moves closer to its intended destination. Furthermore, the Indigos are here by design and intention; their coming is not the result of some accidental or haphazard quirk of undirected evolution. They are here because they were asked to come and they have come to fulfill their part within a much greater evolutionary mission. The phenomenon of the Indigo Children is both spiritual and genetic (See: DNA), and their placement among us represents the beginning of the externalization of our intrinsic process of Bio-Spiritual Evolution. Comprehending the nature of the Indigo Children, and the nature of human existence itself, requires first and foremost the acknowledgment of a Multi-dimensional Reality Structure (see: Morphogenetic Field) ; a concept that contemporary science has yet to validate within the mainstream view. The 12 Ray-sas (Races - See 12 Tribes) were the Human Guardians. They each had their own Grail King Maji and Indigo family to hold a bit more frequency, in case the planetary body needed to be activated, than the whole set of the 12 races together. That's why the Indigos are being woken first.
Veca Codes: the "Time Vector Codes"; mathematical programs of manifestation that govern the formation of Fire Letter Sequences in manifestation templates.Each Dimensional Field, and the Primal Light and Sound Field have a set of Veca Code programs, that when activated in a Planet or Being allow the corresponding Life Force Current, in its original organic "Eternal Divine Blueprint" or "Divine Right Order" form, to progressively embody. The High Veca Codes of D-12 Divine Blueprint and Primal Light/Sound Trion-Meajhe Fields above have the power to restore all Veca codes and Scalar Template below them to their original Divine Blueprint or "Divine Right Order." Veca Code Bio-Regenesis programs allow the unnatural 7 Jehovian Seals to be cleared from the body and Veca Code RRT's allow rapid anchoring of the D-12 Planetary Divine Blueprint for expedited fulfillment of the Planetary Christos Realignment Mission. When used with the Temporary Maharic Seal, Toning of the Veca Code "names" (auditory translation of their core mathematical vibration. Mu-A'-va, Ha-Sha, Shar-DA'z-a, DU-A'jha and Ec-ka), activates corresponding mathematical codes in the DNA Template, expediting embodiment of the personal D-12 Pre-matter Divine Blueprint and corresponding levels of personal expanded consciousness. Veca Codes clear Radial Body and DNA Miasms on projection current, then Return Current carries Veca-Code-corrected Divine Blueprint mathematical program back through personal anatomy and Kathara Grid. Return Current continues on to carry corrected Divine Blueprint program back into Planetary Anatomy, clearing corresponding portions of the Planetary Grids, Radial Body (Memory Matrix), Merkaba Fields, Planetary Shields and Kathara Grid.
The life-force currents corresponding to the first 9 dimensions and first 3 Hova Bodies, Matter Densities and Shields are referred to as the Kundalini Energies. (Also known as the Universal Kundalini or Antakarana) The 3 embodied Kundalini Currents are the TELLURIC, DORADIC and TEURIC CURRENTS. Each Kundalini Currents is a Triadic Current - a set of 3 dimensional currents that function together and are separated by Magnetic Repulsion Zones . Each of the 3 Kundalini Currents is spiraled within the regions of the first 8 CELLS of human conception, located at the TAILBONE at the base of the spine. (The incarnating consciousness anchors its identity and Christos Manifestation Template within the FIRST 8 CELLS, to initiate Fetal Integration Process).
Activation of the 3 Kundalini Currents progressively creates integration of the higher dimensions of consciousness and de-densification of molecular structure. When ALL of the frequencies within the 3 embodied Kundalini Currents, the 4th Kundalini Current - The Kee-Ra-ShA is activated. The human Kee-Ra-ShA begins at conception with the building of the Kundalini and the "Silver Cord", bridges of inter-dimensional frequency that connects the fetus to the Soul Matrix and through which fetal integration of the soul essence occurs. When the conception occurs part of the incoming soul essence first enters the original 8 cells at the base of the spine that will grow to become the fetus, establishing an energetic link, often called the Kundalini Energies, between the embryo and the incoming soul essence.
The amount of energy stored in the Kundalini will be determined by the capacity of the genetic code to hold ULF and UHF energy; the soul essence energies that cannot integrate into the DNA will be stored in the Kundalini center at the base of the spine. Once the fetus begins to accelerate in vibration and grow, due to the stimuli applied by the soul essence, the faster vibrating portions of the soul essence energy are fed into the fetal body, forming 3 energetic coils at the base of the spine that connect the fetal body directly to the race morphogenetic field in Earth's core and the Soul Matrix in HU-2. This coiling spiral of ULF and UHF energy becomes the Kundalini energies, which slowly feed the body during its growth to physical maturity. As the Kundalini Spirals are being set at the base of the spine within the fetal pattern, another bridge of frequency is set into the body in the regions of the Navel, Heart and Crown Chakras and with the Pineal, Thyroid and Thymus glands. This part of the Kee-Ra-ShA energies creates a bridge of 9-dimensional frequency, a "Silver Cord", that opens the Crown chakra vortex for full fetal integration and connects the body form at the navel and several other regions of the body, to the sustaining energies of the Soul Matrix and Nada Hova Body. The Kundalini energies at the base of the spine connects to the Silver Cord frequency bridge forming a "main vertical current of energy" running through the fetus and the morphogenetic field, through which the body and consciousness will progressively raise in vibration and expand as physical growth and soul essence integration continues over time. In most contemporary humans the Kundalini Spirals usually remain dormant throughout the lifetime, following their original placement at conception.
The Kundalini Spirals are connected to the Silver Cord and to the Pineal Gland at the brain center, and only become activated when the Pineal Gland receives enough stimulation of higher dimensional frequency as the Soul Integration and DNA activation process proceeds.MIND
The "Oraphim" have very special gene codes called "Double Diamond Sun" or the "Emerald Sun Matrix"- Double Diamond has the 12-strand coding of the
original human, plus another 12 pertaining to the ascended mastery levels beyond time, and the Emerald's, the high council of the Oraphim, have an additional 6 strands that correspond to the Level-3 Eckatic Matrix, last level of ascended mastery before At-one-ment with source.
The Oraphim are often called in other teachings the "Paradise Sons"(supposed to be "Suns"...as the bio-field holds the full spherical configuration, which appears as flaming balls of light from the lower dimensions).
The Emerald Order Oraphim began the Turaneusiam lineage but more...they were
the original ELOHEI (not "Elohim", many of which are "fallen") who seeded the universal common Lyran Pre-matter races...the original avatars that seeded life in this time matrix.
They birth in numbers only during ascension cycles. They are the Keepers of
the Ascension Codes, the Star Gate Keepers and the Planetary Security Team,responsible for orchestrating the necessary grid mechanics during the cycle.They are a Melchizedek Cloister family line out of the Azurite Council of
the Ra Confederacy, the governing Ascended Masters collective of our time matrix.
They oversee the OTHER, smaller Ascended Masters Collectives in and beyond time. On earth you don't get higher coded beings. But the O's don't have ego
- once they awaken they know they are here in pure service to the ONE and do their job. There are 500,000 here now, just beginning to awaken. The Amenti book was written mostly for them, as the "wake up call:", and the Oraphim's are responding quite nicely. It's others who don't have the DNA activation to process the D-4 through D-6 frequency of the data that have a hard time
with it.
Emerald Order have contracts to awaken to at least the Avatar level (D-10
through D-12) and are here for world service contracts of various natures.All Emerald Order have experienced full ascension to Level-3 Ascended Mastery before returning to embodiment in time. Most have universal service
contracts, not just planetary. They are of a league of beings so far beyond the scope of awareness here, that even some of the highest consciousness on planet and below D-12 have no idea who they are. The "Dark Side" hates them
because they bring the knowledge of freedom. Most of us live as "sleepers" until the pre-scheduled time of our awakening, then we start to remember who we are and what we came to do.
The contemporary Indigo Children hybridization program is run by the Emerald
Order Oraphim-Turaneusiam- the original Elder Human Race who seeded humans here 550 million years ago, and who vowed to assist us in reaching our 12-strand DNA potential on earth and not 10-strand, that is the Anunnaki and
Drakonian DNA signature, HUMAN is 12-strand.
The Indigo Children are all incarnations of the Oraphim (there a 3 different types of Indigo's), and they are incarnating now to help stimulate the
general human gene code into a higher level of activation via reaching critical mass within the race morphogenetic field (scalar-template for matter manifestation). This hybridization with the original Human gene lines
is being orchestrated to help humanity activate dormant DNA so the race can have a better chance of averting physical and genetic damage during the 2000-2017 Stellar Activations Cycle. (Changes in the Solar Light spectra that will occur in this period pose harm to the earth-human races because of
present mutations in the general gene code that were passed on from ancient intrusion by the Sirian Anunnaki).
All Indigos are born with the 6th DNA strand activated - the DNA still appears as a "double helix, but there are additional encodings operational
within the Sub-strand Matrices), which allowed for open memory of other space-time identity aspects.
The Emerald Order Council of 48 (a HUMAN visitor group-48 refers to DNA issues, not the number of people on the council), trained in higher dimensional (D-5-15+) remote viewing and matrix scan. This council of
pro-human interdimensionals keeps an eye on the visitor agendas as they are running on earth, for various reasons that involve making sure the planet and its unsuspecting people pass through the 2000-2017 period safely.(Emerald Order members have tried in the past to make contact with human governments, but the interior government people were more interested in the "One World Order" treaties they had already made with the Zeta Rigelians). One aspect of the Emerald Order efforts is to lend protection tohuman "light workers" who are in danger of negative manipualtion because they have yet to remember who they are, why they incarnated into this drama and how to protect their bio-energetic fields.
The Cloister Dora-Teura texts detailed the lost history of our races and the
interdimensional advanced sciences of DNA/Kundalini/Merkaba Mechanics, and Earth Grid scalar mechanics, through which humans can reclaim their mastery of the space-time-matter experience.
The Dora-Teura texts were last on the planet in true, undistorted form
210,216 years ago. Later attempts at translating some of the Dora-Teura texts were made in the Atlantian period, ended in 9558BC, through the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and later again through the ORIGINAL texts of what became the Bible, Torah, Kabbalah and Sanskrit Sutras.ALL of the later
translations of the Dora-Teura texts, including the edited Anunnaki renditions of the Emerald Tablets, were preverted, edited, distorted, twisted and utterly compromised by the Anunnaki and reptilian race visitors, and their human Illuminati cohorts, in ancient times. But once, long ago,
there was an underlying truth and promise of human freedom within those teachings.
The Emerald Order Oraphim, who are now incarnating in flesh as the Indigo Children, were the original authors of the Cloister Dora-Teura texts. These texts were given on earth 248,000 years ago as part of an agreement called
the Emerald Covenant, an interstellar promise made by the Original stellar human lineage, to assist the earth-human lineage to re-evolve back into their original 12-strand DNA potential. These teachings were a gift of love and knowledge from Elder Race humans who CARED about earth humanity and who wanted to see humans regain their freedom, awareness and power. There is MUCH more to the Emerald Covenant, which explains the nonsense of what has become our recorded history interpretation.
Many people are beginning to awaken to their memories of incarnations in other space-time locations, and this is because human DNA is presently beginning to activate higher due to the Solar Light spectra changes of the 2000-2017 Stellar Activations cycle. People with the least amount of
Anunnaki or reptilian distortion in the DNA will regain more memory faster.Anyone can benefit by the DNA reverse-mutation technologies being taught by the Emerald Order; remembering is the promise of human heritage, the potential of remembering belongs to us ALL.
The Indigo Children-Oraphim incarnates, who have been entering incarnation on earth for over 100 years, are presently only 500,000 strong within our populations, they are beginning to remember who they are, and there are another 150,000 birthing in between 1999-2012. The purpose of the Indigo's
and the Elder Race Emerald Order Humans who launched this pro-human hybridization plan, is an attempt to TRY to restore the lost knowledge and mechanics of interdimensional science and true spiritual cognition that will allow humanity to heal its DNA and begin Remembering. They are TRYING to set the records straight as far as the perversions of the Cloister Dora-Teura texts, so people can have access to the knowledge through which they can rapidly evolve and set themselves free from Anunnaki and reptilian
manipulation. They are trying to do this because of the ancient promise of the Emerald Covenant. A promise made to earth-humans because they were loved and valued by their Elder Race Seed, and those of the Elder Race humans,
desired to see earth-humans evolve to their full potentials as EQUALS,within the interstellar communities.
The DISTORTED mess of what has BECOME the Bible, for what was ONCE a decent book that ATTEMPTED to translate part of the legitimate knowledge of the Cloister Dora-Teura texts, before the Anunnaki-Pleiadian-Nibiruians gutted the real documents that were once a unified Bible, Torah, Kabbalah, Sutra translation of the ORIGINAL Atlantian Emerald Tablets (before Thoth edited them for his own agendas). All of these teachings came out of the Cloister
Dora-Teura, and all of them were THEN distorted to the point of non-recognition from what they had once represented.
In the Cloister period 210,216 years ago, when we worked hard to preserve the Dora-Teura holographic plates when the reptile races came in and took
over, and our massive temple complexes were bombed into the ground. Later in 22,000 BC when the Emerald Order again incarnated to try and stop the Anunnaki from perverting the human gene code more than they already had,when we tried to re-enter the Dora-Teura freedom teachings via the ORIGINAL
Emerald Tablets, and watched as the Anunnaki-Zeta- Rigelian-Thoth, who had been commissioned by the Emerald Order to create a translation of the texts,turned on the Emerald order and edited the teachings to support the Anunnaki hybridization agendas. In the Biblical periods, where again the Emerald Order tried to restore the true teachings only to watch them be disected and twisted by the human-Annunaki hybrid Illuminati families and their visitor
friends "fallen Elohim and Nephilim".
The Main Central Vertical Current energy line at the center of the body. (see: Axi-A Tonal Lines) In most contemporary human, only a small portion of the Kundalini is used, the Hara Line, and not the fully expanded Pillar of Light.When one begins to actively participate in Soul Integration through activation and realignment of dormant DNA codes, the entire Kee-Ra-ShA energies come to life.The Silver Cord at the Navel expand in diameter, the Main Vertical Current of the body expands to become a Pillar of Light/frequency that encompasses the body and the Kundalini Spirals at the base of the spine and in Earth's core begin to run their UHF and ULF energies through the body system and consciousness.The Kundalini Spirals are brought to life only through activation of DNA strands 4 and above, which occurs through the Soul Integration process.Most people will not experience Kundalini Activation - the process by which the "Pillar of Light" frequency bridge between the higher identity levels connects with the body through the Pineal and the Silver Cord at the navel. (See: E-Umbi)The Hara Line - The Central Vertical Body Current that is formed by the 11th and 12th Axiom Lines wrapping around the fixed flash-line sequence of the Level-1 Kathara 12-Tree Central Vertical Kathara Line.
Fuelled eternally by God-Source via the "Eternal INTERNAL Amoraea Flame" at its center, the Cosmic Krist Atom perpetually creates "Replicas" of itself to serve as the "Living Seeds" and Divine Blueprint form and within which Time Matrices, Universes and their inherent matter systems are perpetually born.The Smaller Replicas of the Cosmic Krist Seed Atom are called "Universal Christos Seed Atoms".Each 15-Dimensional Time Matrix is seeded by God-Source and the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom with ONE Universal Christos Seed Atom.The first Universal Christos Seed Atom perpetually exists and MANIFEST AS the D-12 "Universal Christos" Pre-matter Liquid Light (elliptical) spherical-standing-wave-field; the Universal Christos Field.The Universal Christos Seed Atom of a Time Matrix creates many smaller, individuated, replicas of itself called GOD SEED Atoms or PERSONAL God-Sparks that retains the God-Source attributes of the Krist DIVINE BLUEPRINT.The Personal God-Spark Seed Atom within the Shield Manifestation Template of an individual exists as the portion of PERSONAL ANATOMY through which the natural energy conduits between the manifest Self, Universal Christos, Cosmic Kristos and the Cosmic Divine Trinity (ManU-ManA-EirA) God-Force PRIMAL FORCE CURRENTS, remain OPEN.When we talk about the Seed Atom or Azur-A , we inevitably end up talking about the Monad as well, as they are deeply connected, essentially different aspects of the same thing.You can think of the Monad as the light generator, the energy that comes through the template and brings it to life, and the Seed Atom or Azur-A as the core template that energy is beamed through.They are both formed of the same intention, and are just two aspects of that intention that are necessary to create a projected, perceivable hologram or reality field.When you go into your Inner Sanctum (Brehmn – Azur-A), and focus your attention in there, there are a lot of things you can do, like astro project, when you fill exhausted or overwhelmed learning to center you attention and focus in this star of energy inside of you, pulling your attention from your crown chakra and go into your Inner Sanctum when everything else is out there and you are into the quietness and hiper cognition level that can be found in there.This is the best place to learn to communicate with your higher levels or the Guardians.When you go into the Inner Sanctum, you are in the pint of connection with the whole Universe.
Through complex morphogenetic field dynamics known as the Transduction Sequence, frequency from the dimensional Unified Field of energy surrounding the body is drawn into (accreted) the morphogenetic imprint for the DNA, which begins progressive manifestation of the dormant strands imprints (through particle accretion) within the physical, operational gene code, as the dimensionalized conscious awareness within the Unified Field progressively enters embodiment, for growth and expansion of the physical body and consciousness.This "Sacred Sequence" encompasses the very specific structures of multidimensional anatomy. mechanics of inter-dimensional physics & related functions of energy, consciousness & spirit by which manifestation occurs.The Transduction Sequence, represents the phases consciousness passes through into dimensionalization and the process by which conscious energy is transduced and changes form to enter the wave spectra within which perception of manifestation is possible.
The Primal Force Currents are the forms that Consciousness takes on in order to come into manifestation... these forces are made up of Partiki/Partika/Particum which are units of Consciousness that cycle in a specific way through all the levels of the anatomy in the Manifestation-Transduction Sequence according to the Krist Code.They are the fabric of the Unified Field and the substance of the Scalar Waves that form the Templates upon which matter and consciousness manifest.We know that the Radial Body Tissue Capsule serves a the polarization lens through which the Primal Life Force Currents flow via Merkaba Fields circulation, form the Kathara Grid and DNA Template into manifestation, They do this through a process called Radial Body Transduction-Manifestation Sequence.
This is a complex process that explains how we accrete frequencies into our personal Templates which is what gives us the experience of Time. A simple way to understand this process is that the Radial Body sphere acts as a screen, our DNA is the projector which projects the image we will see/experience and the Merkaba circulates the energy.
Thought is an attribute of CONSCIOUSNESS, the filter through which consciousness manifest itself into the Hologram of Form.
The only difference between a thought and a manifest thing is the frequency of the consciousness of the observer.
Manifest reality is thought projection, made solid and externalized by relationships between the frequencies of our focus of attention and those of the projected thought forms.
Nothing is truly solid. All things are composed of consciousness observing the form and the consciousness of which the form is made.
As reality is a THOUGHT FIELD, composed of units of consciousness awareness, reality can be directly AFFECTED by THOUGHT, as the substance of both thought and reality are one and the same.Thoughts and Images formed by the mind represent small morphogenetic fields with minute Kathara Grids, that become interwoven into the larger morphogenetic field and Kathara Grid of the human dimensional anatomy.THOUGHTS ARE THINGS in terms of bio-energetic reality on the body and the Kathara Grid; thoughts become translators of electro-tonal "digital" instructions within the human bio-energetic field, and directly enhance or retract from the natural function of the electro-tonal programs of the human Kathara Grid.In recognizing the power of thought as the power of creation of scalar standing-wave grids, we can begin to apply that power effectively in regeneration of our Kathara Holographic Template. Source perpetually sets manifestation in motion through engaging its awareness in the process of Vibrational Downstepping, or Through Formation.Vibrational Downstepping occurs through contracting the consciousness into a singular point o focus, a "creation intention" or "thought vibration", to create the first individuation of attention; Stillpoint Creation-point. (See: ManU) Because we are created in the image of Source we are gifted with the ability to create through our Thoughts.Every Thought is an encryption that takes us closer to or further from alignment with Source.Being in alignment with Source through thought and action connects us more strongly with our personal Kristiac Code.Miasms are anti-particle build-ups in the particle field created by reversed mathematics in the scalar template and they will change what you are trying to manifest with your thought process.
Vibrational Dissonance - Karma - Karmic Imprint - Miasmic Body
Miasm (Miasma): An influence or atmosphere that tends to deplete or corrupt.From Greek: Defilement (to make unclean or impure: as a : to corrupt the purity or perfection of), from miainein: to pollute.Miasms are anti-particle Sho-na static light radiation fields within the PCM Kathara Core Density Template, that manifest as corresponding Sho-na static field distortions within which each successive level of the Density Multi-dimensional Anatomy.Miasms - "Frozen Light" Etheric Sho-na Crystals.Miasms are "Frozen Light" reverse polarity-charge units within the Level-3 Kathara Grid (Diodic Grid) that form as a result of "Free Will" choices made by incarnates that involve using the personal energies in ways incongruent with the natural Laws of the Unified Field Physics and the Primal Order of the KRISTOS TEMPLATE" (Kris Code).Miasms that have been formed through the intentional use of Black Hole External Merkaba Technology are called Sho-na Transposition Fields.Miasms are morphogenetic crystallizations of Partika (electro-tonal units of consciousness that form the base for anti-particles), cause by a collection of lower-vibrating thought patterns (thoughts create morphogenetic templates within the morphogenetic field of the body and consciousness).Miasms manifest within the particle structure of the Hova Bodies as electrically charged anti-particles, which block the natural functions of the Hova Body merger, Merkaba Vehicle formation and Dimensional Ascension.The build up of Miasmic Crystals within the morphogenetic field, DNA, physical body and consciousness, which accretes from one lifetime to another, impedes the natural evolutionary process, blocking the process of Soul and Over-Soul integration.The Miasmic Body (collective of Miasmic Crystals within the morphogenetic field) is frequently called the Karmic Imprint, its contents becomes holographically projected into the body, mind and 3-Dimensional life experience through the inherent natural laws of multi-dimensional manifestation.These distortions are known as Miasms and the repeated ‘outplay’ of the miasmic distortion is called "Karma".The condition frequently referred to as Karma is, like Divine Right Order, a tangible, specific organization of energy relationships.Unlike Divine Right Order, Karma represents dis-harmonious interrelationships of energy within the context of the Primal Order that creates dimensionality.Karma can be viewed as CHAOTIC, incoherent energetic disorganization, whereas Divine Right Order represents coherent energetic organization.Miasms are twists of energy that have reverse mathematics compared to what they should have - and they block energy and crate separation and polarization instead of allowing energy to flow harmoniously.Miasms are in our scalar templates , our shields, like burned light bulbs. They are anti-particle build-ups in the particle field created by reversals in the scalar template and they will change what you are trying to manifest with your thought process.Karma isn't something that you are born with in the way that you picked it up last time you died and took it here - it's literally an immediate connection, just like our connection to God. It isn't something that happened once upon a time when we were created - it's here every moment - the Karmic imprint comes through every moment.As more we work with the mathematics contained in the Veca Codes, the more we are able to clear the stuff we already have and restore the original mathematical imprints.The Miasmic/Karmic imprint MUST be transmuted for Hova Body merger, Higher Identity embodiment and Dimensional Ascension to take place.Transmutation of the Miasmic Body is achieved by reversing the polarity charge of its crystallizations, merging its anti-particles/Partika with its corresponding particles/Particum (electro-tonal units of consciousness that form the base for particles), within the morphogenetic field and DNA, which dissolves the Miasmic Crystals through morphogenetic and inter-cellular fusion.Through fusion and reciprocal fission within the next dimensional harmonic, the Miamic content and its corresponding body mass are transmuted into inter-dimensional light/sound/electromagnetic/scalar wave spectra, progressively freeing distortions from the Hova Bodies, to allow building the Merkaba Vehicle and the process of Dimensional Ascension to commence.
Reversal of Miasmic Polarity to dissolve Miasmic Crystals can be achieved in various ways
1) The conventional method is to "walk the karma and make appropriate choices in this life time", which serves to heal the karmic issue (dissolve the associated Miasmic imprint) as the projection manifest in the 3-dimensional life.Unfortunately, the buildup of the Miasmic body in most humans is so convoluted that the issues upon which "better choices" could be made are rarely clear or identifiable; most often the Miasmic Body becomes reinforced and expand in the present life, as the same disharmonic response patterns are repeated, due to the pull of the Miasmic imprint on the mental and emotional bodies.
2) A second method of dissolving the Miasmic imprint is to combine its disharmonic holographic projection with its corresponding harmonic projection in visualization practices.
In this method, the disharmonic content of a present-life drama is tracked back to its original incarnational point of creation, then visualize as if the opposite, harmonic action was taken in the past.This constitutes healing the present by changing the morphogenetic program of the past, as it is stored in the DNA.
3) The fastest, most gentle way of dissolving the Miasmic Imprint is dealing with the imprint as energy, with energy, using Keylontic Science technique to reverse the polarity of the Miasmic anti-particles.Once the polarity is reversed, through which the crystallizations dissolve, it is redirected the re-ordered energy into the DNA.The Miasmic Body can be cleared in ONE LIFETIME, without one having to "walk through the Karma of the past", if the dynamics of Miasmic release through Keylontic manipulation on the morphogenetic field is understood.