Arrows are a 4-piece, female fronted Alternative Indie/Rock band from Stratford-Upon-Avon.
We are made up of Milly, Olly, Robin and Ant. Plus a few bones.
We were recently featured on ITV's website for an 'unsigned' collection of live performances.
Enjoy it.
We thought you'd prefer to find out about our main interests rather than our life stories, so here's a little taster of what we get up to:
Sings a bit.
Music, Movies, Nights out, Nights in, A drink or 5, Singing, Dancing, Photography, Camping, Bus Journeys and Pepsi Max.
Doesn't Enjoy
Shoe shopping, Too much fast food, Being cold.
Favorite Quote
"Never take it too seriously.
If you never take it seriously, you never get hurt.
If you never get hurt, you always have fun."
- Almost Famous
Guitars, Effects Pedals, Amplifiers, CDs, Vinyl Records, Nice people, Lumberjack Shirts, Staying out late, eBay, Itbox, Pepsi Max.
Doesn't Enjoy
Getting woken up early, Not very nice people, Bad smells, Crumbs in my bed, Regular Pepsi.
Favorite Quote
""The traffic lights, they turn blue tomorrow
And shine their emptiness down on my bed" - The Wind Cries Mary - Jimi Hendrix
Awkward silences, irish accents, jumping, climbing, running, throwing, arguing with mike, pepsi max.
Doesn't Enjoy
Giving bad news, tough decisions, robert mugabe, paying for petrol.
Favorite Quote
"Here's to our wives! They may not be as hot as the women you see on TV, or as entertaining, but, um ... y'know, I don't know where I'm going with this, but thanks anyway." - Peter Griffin - Family Guy.
drumming, funny people, band trips to pizza hut, tetris, pepsi max.
Doesn't Enjoy
the company of bad people, making decisions, painting .
Favorite Quote
"life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, so get wasted all the time and have the best time of your life"- mr radio man