Harriet profile picture


It is more important to look forward to the future than to dwell in the past.

About Me

Hi There, Joined myspace to keep in touch with my family and friends..Now I'm well and truly hooked...but hey it's fun!! I won't bore you to tears with my life story so I'll keep it short.Work in Theatre TV and Film...have the pleasure of working with many of our fine actors....as well as meeting new and interesting people. Love going to theatre (MUSICALS) though don't mind the odd play...infact I'd say I'm a musical fanatic "RENT" being one of my favourites...Oh and a must mention "DADDY COOL"! Love hosting parties..best way to catch up with friends and of course get all the gossip. Travelling,Skiing,Cycling when I get round to it. Most of all love spending time with family and friends.....Love summers..hate winter..Oh and apparently I'm a chocoholic!..Below daughter HELEN (As Rose in Daddy Cool) ...........................Daddy Cool Promo

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Add to My Profile | More Videos ...Debbie Kurup (Unplugged)

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Classy purple

My Interests

Family Hols. April 2007 India.. ..


Photographer------------- Emmanuel Sonubi Pics of daughter Helen in BBC Series "I DREAM" ..Daddy Cool on Children In Need

Add to My Profile | More Videos The Big Life

Add to My Profile | More Videos ... Michael Jackson earth song -

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The Elephant Man, Planet of the Apes, The Sixth Sense, Grease, Dumb and Dummer, Liar Liar, Troy, Walk The Line, Pirates of the Caribbean, Independence Day, The Last Samurai, Titanic,oh and SPARTACUS!!


Don't watch much TV but when I do sit down with a cuppa or preferably a glass of red wine it's usually Eastenders, Dragon's Den, X-Factor and a good Documentary.


What Classic Bombshell Are You?

Audrey Hepburn
You are Audrey Hepburn. You are a giving, caring person with a big heart, and beauty to match! You have been through alot, but you didn't let that get you down. The world loves you for who you are, inside and out.
How do you compare?
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