Mr. Banglo <3 Mrs. Bangsit profile picture

Mr. Banglo &lt;3 Mrs. Bangsit

once upon a time.. SHUT THE FUCK UP! <b[</b

About Me

..selkcip on or hiphoplovafolife
do you love hip hop? why do you love hip hop? do you love hip hop because of her music? do you love hip hop because of her message? do you love hip hop because you got the breaker blood, the mc's love, the passion of a graf artist or bob your head to the beat that comes outta the speakers connected to the two 1200's? do you love hip hop because of her self awareness, self expression, self art and positivity? do you love hip hop because you can't breathe without it can't sleep without it cant live without it. do you eat hip hop, drink hip hop, and create hip hop? or is the hip hop you love the hip hop talking about bitches, hoes, money cars and "ice". talking about i killed him, i shot him, i stabbed him... is the hip hop you love buying a I LOVE HIP HOP shirt without knowing what the four elements are...wearing a HEIROGLYPHICS shirt and never heard one of their song sin your life? instead of living breathing eating hip live, breathe, eat chucks dunk mesh hats and dyed air force ones? you live breathe eat the greens, browns, maroons and khakis... falling into the urban catergory but too embarassed to admit to it. is the hip hop you love shopping at TRUE, buying an 'old school' shirt... buying a rock steady shirt and thinking about the fucking MICHAEL JACKSON song? When you hear the name Crazy Legs, you think of the Levi's commercial... hearing hip hop then your mind atuomatically goes to hightop lowtop chucks... having the same color scheme... trying to be different shopping at the 'underground' stores...but its the same place where everyone else buys their shit at. And BROWN is fucking URBAN?... people on HAIGHT wear BROWN because they're fucking dirty and have nothing else to change in to. they're not trying make a fashion statement. instead of buying you 'urban wear' or going to 'urban outfitters' why dont you go buy them new clothes. is the hip hop u love knowing who gangstarrr is but not knowing who the guru is... Outkast didn't just come out... The Roots aren't new..and YES the Black Eyed Peas were a dance group... Hip hop originated in the South Bronx with the Latin and African Americans... not on MTV....
rap is not hip hop. the difference between the two: one is an immense feeling of self-respect and unity, and the other is just a three letter word

My Interests

that hella sucks yo! here's some of my pics from my accident... happened same day i got my car back from the shop =(

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet some cool ass people.. if you think you're cool... you're concieted!!.. but i would like to meet you! =D

i already met her =)


i hate hiphop!!! puahahaha! yea right! hip hop is my life.. i eat drink and shit hip hop.... errrr!!! i like rock, not that rock where you can barely hear what the motha focka is sayin, but that laid back shit... i like emo(i just found out the definition of that even tho i've been listenin to that type of music for a while :P) i love slow jams(they get me through a lot)... i like dance hall...i listen to reggea...ol' school....i love instrumentals, listening to breaks beats, turntablism(break ahhhhhh)....


just married.. brown sugar.. hot chick.. MEAN GIRLS!!.. and of course.. my all time favorite... ThE Goofy Movie =D!!!




where's waldo?!?!?!?!?!?!


my mom fo sho! she's my nigeria AND TRIIPPIE!!! =]

My Blog

happy 1 year anniversary boo boo!

dear mahal, happy one year anniversary! i would say that i love you more and more with everyday that we spend with each other. but i would be lying. i cant love you more than i do now. for you will al...
Posted by Mr. Banglo <3 Mrs. Bangsit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

hahah! i was bored...

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON'T KNO.. VAVAVIRGIL IS A ROBOT FROM AIM... 'dorkyhiphopboy: can i borrow a hundred bucks? VaVaVirgil: This is VaVaVirgil u still owe me an apology! >:o dorkyhiphopboy...
Posted by Mr. Banglo <3 Mrs. Bangsit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST