About Me
Im on the verge
Of that full ripeness
Making love with
The views of myself
Humanity so ripe
Its about to split
On the verge of
Through that one
Moment, moments
Of alienation,
I cant break myself
Or change my view
There is nothing here
To change.
No need to annihilate
The personality just
Let the larger picture
Shine through.
I hope you had the
Time of your life
Like the song,
Through cosmic
Games, lines, actions
This isnt breaking
Open to apathy,
Just letting the world view
World centric heart
Pulse with your aliveness
Cut through the shit
Of the day with
Diamond awareness.
There is this union
That I long for
This on going talk
Heart centered intellectualism
Where joy is at the center
And where we commune
To dawn
As there is no other place then
This, then being absorbed in
Talk to my heart and break it
Open again and again, let it
Sweep through the emotions
As the body sings
As it cries its own language
Lets dwell in the air of space
Of creation as only love
Can do.
It needs to go somewhere and
Get propelled.
This third birthing space
Stands before the unmanifest
And manifest.
Its alive, this divinity
This sacred child.
As bodies talk and weep
For each other
Sacred comings of
Earth primalism to ungodly
Body worshipping with no
Holds barred. A pulse of
Temporary love lost in such
A short moment. Hold not onto it
As it is just that
A moment
Of bliss
Let us watch
and let our
Bodies do what bodies
Let us watch
And let our emotions
do what
Emotions do
And let the mind connect
To itself and each transverse
Line, circling back on itself
To the body and beyond
Lets watch the expanding
And contracting until we
Expand to fill it all
Let us sit back in a moment
Of great awe
And laughter
And remember to always come
Back and commune with
Our self
And the other self that makes
Us up.
Lets see how long we can
Have this conversation
Let us see how long we can
Talk while being silent
Lets see how long we can
Hold this space for one another
Let us see how long we can
Hold this heart centered orgasm
That embraces the whole
From the sacred to the profane
Lets see how much we can
Be moved
Lets see how much we can ache
How much room we have to
Ok I created an about me section, yes you can all vomit now, me me me me! :P
I have many sides to myself like most people, fairly complex yet very simple. I think like most people I don’t know really what to say about myself, would be better to have people that know me well to talk about me and what would they say besides a few incriminating points that I will kindly leave out ?, everyone would say something different. Some of the common themes might be: kind, sweet, playful, passionate, intelligent, spacey, forgetful, stubborn, funny, and weird*from people that don’t recognize creative genius at work!, haha!* Oh yes a sensual female goddess, I get that one a lot!!*laughs*
People that don’t know me would say I might be fairly on the quiet side, but I tend to be more introverted, definitely not shy, there is a big difference to me. The introversion comes in because I have lots of information to process about what is going on around me, intuitions etc. I’m fairly empathic as well as a bit psychic, which are two terms that are probably highly confusing to most people. I’m not talking about predicting the future per say, but I do get different feelings about situations that haven’t happened as of yet. This in my younger days created stronger co-dependency types of relationships as I didn’t want other people to feel hurt and I felt them at the degree I felt myself. Now I let it go, of course I have no intentions of trying to hurt someone, yet if it happens it happens. I now put boundaries to let the individual feel whatever they are going to feel as it isn’t my responsibility especially if there was no hurtful intention.
I also have the ability to see things from many different angles and perspectives simultaneously which makes me a good pseudo therapist for myself and others, but by no means does this mean I go around giving advice without someone asking for it. Yes my ego is trying to tell you I’m fucking brilliant, get over it!, I am and can be! I believe everyone is in their own way, yes. My ego would also like to tell you my IQ to prove a portion of my intelligence, haha. Anyways it takes brilliance to recognize it in someone else.
I was pursuing a career in art therapy since I loved kids, psychology and art, but had a few disillusionments, sidetrackes and some major depressions, which I learned to self medicate in some crazy ways. If anything I have had some interesting experiences in life, which I can laugh at now. I’ve had some very painful life stories growing up, other then my own, but happened to be intertwined with me and I know I wouldn’t have the depth or compassion I have within myself without them. Pain of course doesn’t always equal growth nor does it have to be the way we grow. People become conscious in many different fashions. Sometimes I feel the ones that have the capacity for greater light go through greater darkness, but then again I might be biased.
If anything my life is about living with passion on many levels and letting the love of life come through, which I’m still learning to do. I believe in creating certain ideals for myself that I want to live with in creating the kind of life I want. There comes a point in your life when you realize as a person you have as many hang-ups as the next person and that I believe is where compassion comes in for yourself and for others. The point being is whether you are conscious or not of your hang-ups and shadows that makes all the difference in the world. There comes a point in your life when you no longer look for this group conformity of approval from others to be validated. There also comes a point in life that you become disillusioned with spirituality itself, when you can put the true test at hand and actually begin to live a full life because that is what is here right now. There comes a point in one’s life when you are finally comfortable with whom you are as a person. I’m getting there more and more every day. I’m at the beginning of the fun part of life of consciously creating what I want and taking full responsibility for that and my own life and it is exciting stuff!!!! Life is fun!! :)
On the personal front I’ve been in a relationship of eight years, we met in the college beer drinking/smoking years. I’m going back to school for massage and shiatsu therapy, an integrated program, eventually opening my own place. I plan on going back to finish with the art therapy or Chinese medicine, where ever my intuitions and passions lead me.
I like long walks in the park and fucking on the beach, haha, did I sell you on the last line?
I love meeting other people and connecting, which is why I am here!
I sometimes tend to have what some would consider a darker sarcastic sense of humor; yes I even tend to like those kinds of movies. There also comes a point in your life for some that these things aren’t dark anymore.
Top three places that I have traveled to and loved:
The north shore on Superior in Minnesota *will always be one of my favorite places in the world* Feels like home to me.
The Virgin Islands *I think I would like to retire on a beach and just make pottery all day, when I want of course, between sunbathing.*
Washington’s rain forests * I love green and forests*
I’m blind without glasses or contacts.
I drive a black Chevy prism because it gets good gas mileage and will drive it until it can drive no more.
I live in a house in suburbia with the significant other. Definitely not my ideal living situation as far as location, but I do have some large flower beds and a garden that makes up for it.
I’m a pyromaniac, so if anything burns down to the ground I apologize ahead of time.
I love dancing, but don’t do it enough.
I love being naked
I love to naked dance!
I love to dance naked!
I love music in general
There are many songs that I love
There are very few groups/bands that I love
Don’t ask me song titles or anything on musicians
I don’t know
Definitely don’t ask me where I left my keys
Or my mind
The background is a mutated image from a friend's art work that can be found here-