☠VB *evEie D* ///MP\\\... ™ ☠ profile picture

☠VB *evEie D* ///MP\\\... ™ ☠

♥ I got my hair highlighted, because I felt some strands were more important than others....&

About Me

mY nAme iS laUrEn, lor dOg, evEie, Lo, I liVe wITh mY bOYFrIEND Sean... He IS THE shiT>>>> he is in FAILED MUSICIANS...gO dJ thatS My Dj,,, We live witH JAyordiN...He is tHe FunnY MaN... I aM goinG to SchoOl For fAshion DesigN... I aM TryinG tO gEt My Company VioLenT bELLe uP anD gOinG.... Its ASwesome... anywaY.... I worK aT a COnVenieNt STore on SaturDayS... i watCH my NonniE on Mon Tues and THurs..... she wiLL KIck Your aSS...FOr reAL...
I Love music ... from hip-hop to emo ... but no country or gospel... failed musicians, atmosphere, el-p, the used, qwel, aesop rock, lil wayne, the blood hound gang, timbaland, tool, cage, lilly allen, techno, cake, deftones, grayskul, gogol bordello, gym class heroes, odd nosdam, p.o.s., weathermen, yak ballz, and more,,,,
being silly and fun ... no prob bob... and i wanna drink a 40 of beer and burp at you ... what hoe... can i say ,,,, that just maybe you dont give a fuck about me ......what cha what cha what cha want.... :) and then the big bad wolf ate your left arm and the guy at the corner ate your taco.... and you look like you need to eat a sandwich ... you skinny hoe....

My Interests

dOinG rAndOm sTupId sHIt, dRinKinG, ScrEAmiNg aT pEOplE whIlE i drIVe dOWn tHe roAD, DriViNG mY cAR PraCilLa, tHroWIng sTUFf aT yoUR MoM, aND mEOwiNG

I'd like to meet:

THE GIRLS NEXT DOOR... they totally do the damn thing... HEF< PNUT jewelry.... the owners of SCIFEN>>>> you need to teach me some things... AND MAry POpins (HoW tHe fUcK dOeS ShE gEt AlL thAt sHit iN hEr bAG) itS LiKE lAUreN TrIPpin In THe GhetTO On A diRtY MaTTreSs..


*tHe UseD* *vEgaS* cHerRY MUnrOE* *GoOD cHarLOte* *dAvE maTTheWS BanD* *dEFtoNES* *mUShrOOmHeAD* *atMOsPhere* *EighTeeNn ViSIonS* *geT uP kIDS* *bLINk 182* *nEW FouNd GloRY* *ashLeE SIMpSON* *KoRN* *BabY BEar* *JuLianA ThEoRy* *YelLoWcARD* *bEaCH bOys* *tHe RamONEs* *DaSHboARd ConfeSIONal* *takINg baCk sUNDay* *LinKIN ParK* *fInCH* *mY CHemICAl RomaNCE* *saVINg feRrIS* *haWthorN hEIGhts* *BoNE THugS n HArMONy* *BLacK EYed PEas* *DEan MaRtiN* *ELviS* *FIRst OFFensE* *FLasHlIGhT ArcADe* *SevEN LEttER DiarIES* *LacunA CoIl* *Non pOInt* *HiM* *FarEWell* *aS TaLL As LioNs* *MeLLinCOilN* *GoB* *NO douBt* *GorILLaz* *CoHeeD AnD CamBriA* *The WHo* *Led ZEPliN* *cINdy LaUpeR* *uShER* *ThE mArs VoltA* *FalL oUt BoY* *SavES tHe Day* *AnD AloT Of BanDS i FoRGot*


@~sLc PUnk~@ @~ThE BooNDok SainTs~@ @~DOblE JEPordY~@ @~DIrtY DAncINg~@ @~FaST AnD tHE FURiouS~@ @~mEAn GIrlS~@ @~FErriS BUllERs Day oFF~@ @~10 tHINgs I hATe AbOut yoU~@ @~BreAkFEasT CLUb~@ @~moMEnToE~@ @~ThE gIRl NExt dOOr~@ @~fINDiNg NemO~@ @~ImaGINarY HEroS~@ @~tHE NoTebOok~@ @~RESideNt EVil~@ @~hAGgArd~@ @~aLmOSt FaMOus~@ @~gOoNieS~@ @~VarSitY bLUes~@ @~ThE faCULty~@ @~OutSIderS~@ @~THe rULEs of ATtrACTion~@ @~o~@ @~gIRl INTeruPTed~@ @~EntERNAl SunSHIne oF A SPotlEss MinD~@ @~FIght CLub~@


my tOp SHOwS ARe........Americas best dance crew
...........THe rEAL WORld......
CSI MIAMI... ..... TOP CHEF.....WEEds.........PROJECT RUNWAY.........THE HILLS....

You are LC, very fashionable, rich, and GORGEOUS. You are bitchy but in a silent way. Who cares though with looks like that!?
i KNow iTs LAMe BUt o HOw I Love THIs sHOW

You're an Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

You're an Passionate Kisser

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble What Kind of Kisser Are You?


ok so i've only read this one book all the way through in the last 5 years... lol.. reading.. pshhhh...



My Blog

heck yea.....

I Called kent state today and they told me that i was accepted into fashion school... hell yea!!!!!...
Posted by VB *evEie D* ///MP\\\... ™ on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 01:42:00 PST

its summer time....

summer so far has been cool... well hot... anyway... bday is in a month and im thinking cookout.... lets just kick it ..... food, beer, beer pong, sean dj-in, (maybe).... probably... should be a blast...
Posted by VB *evEie D* ///MP\\\... ™ on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 09:12:00 PST

litttle bunny rabbit....

so there is this rabbit that hangs around our house so we went looking for it like two days ago and i was moving the rose bushes and this little tiny rabbit ran out and hopped all over then ran back i...
Posted by VB *evEie D* ///MP\\\... ™ on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 09:29:00 PST

its what happens...

im so efin bored..... so bored.... i wanna go home and chill... or something.... i wanna go to donnies show on sunday and i wanna go to qwel on tuesday.... and i wanna go on vacation.... and i want a ...
Posted by VB *evEie D* ///MP\\\... ™ on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 10:13:00 PST

people make mistakes but seriously working at mcdonalds cant be that difficult...

i've decided that a fast food restaurant is probably not that difficult  a place to work at, but for some reason the people that work there dont know how to stop there body from putting thin...
Posted by VB *evEie D* ///MP\\\... ™ on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 07:05:00 PST

chicka chicka yea yea.... meow....

so like when the hell is summer gonna happen... i want to go to a show and i want to go to the beach... chyea... both sounds great... ROAD TRIP>>>>>meow.... lets go... WHOS COMING WITH ME>>>> im think...
Posted by VB *evEie D* ///MP\\\... ™ on Tue, 20 May 2008 12:58:00 PST

i know its annoying but im bored

Posted by VB *evEie D* ///MP\\\... ™ on Thu, 01 May 2008 02:24:00 PST


Posted by VB *evEie D* ///MP\\\... ™ on Thu, 01 May 2008 12:39:00 PST


Posted by VB *evEie D* ///MP\\\... ™ on Thu, 01 May 2008 12:19:00 PST

its the paint n puff...

so my bathroom is finished hell yea... about time i finished that shit right.. lol.. im bored... and snow sucks my dick... and so does ... cars... cars make me fucking pissed ... ...
Posted by VB *evEie D* ///MP\\\... ™ on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 07:32:00 PST