Viv is a mean left hander
Fraggle will give you that massive grin as she whips the ball from you.
Exile uses irish charm (and a bit of braun) to get the ball
Face is our secret weapon
James will impress you with his amazing stunt like crashes
Curly is a fantastic tackler
Martin uses cunning and tricks you by using a boneshaker into thinking he's not as deadly as he really is
Nes, erm thatsme, i love polo. its ace fun..and if i can't beat you on the better watch out after the match!
anyone that loves bikes and would like to come play with us or against us.
we play at platt fields twice a week: wednesdays at 7pm and saturdays at 2pm. we play in the pitch behind the basketball courts. we have an open practise on friday 27th april after critical mass (cm meets at 6pm every last friday of the month at central library). everyone welcome
on Saturday and Sunday 2nd and 3rd June we went to oxford to play oxford supernovas and a team from kent...and just incase you were wondering the score this time was manchester 9 oxford 10, we played first to 10 and it all held on that last goal so we basically played fucking amazingly.oh yes!
that was on the saturday then on the sunday we played a team from kent and they kicked our asses 10 goals to 6. still not bad considering they play the internationals with proper rules and what not.
ace fun was had
GO Dropouts!!!
we have been teaching kids to play too, if you are a kid/ young person get in touch and we'll let you know when we're doing it next
we went to london bicycle film festival polo tournament and came 3rd out of about 18 teams..ace ace ace
mcr dropouts bike polo
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