wriTiNg, musica, rave, casse, piercing, tattoo, pittura, grafica, fotografia, pazzia..°PSyChO*QuEenS° *Smile-Link*
Shot with NIKON D40 at 2007-07-13
Shot with NIKON D40 at 2007-07-13
me stessa...
RAP (truceklan, colle der fomento, club dogo, inoki, perfetti sconosciuti, compagni di sbronze, jegermasterz, one mic, mentispesse..) TECHNO, DRUM N'BASS, HARDCORE (pendulum, paul elstak, weasel busters, narkotek, puzzle, rotterdam terror corps, thunderdome, micropoint, heretik, the destroyer, kimokore lab...)
donnie darko, the king, butterfly effect, y tu mama tambien, amores perros, blow, romanzo criminale, ali g in tha house...
le iene, gialappas, the simpson, i griffin, south park, spongebob, zelig off, tree happy friend, rob and big, viva la bam, e il vecchio mitico pippo cannady show!!
Myspace Graphics
invisible monsters, soffocare, ... e poi bo.. nn me ricordo! nn leggo molto...
TRuCeKlan!! **AIKI** nide, banksy, sashen, nemo..