I enjoy playing with my pets (a spoiled female cockatiel named Bird, a spoiled male mini poodle named Kelby, and many spoiled fish), chatting with friends on the phone and internet, shopping for fabulous outfits, and converting my classroom at work into one giant pink paradise. Pink isn't my favorite color (that's green, actually), but it does express my mood perfectly. It's bright, feminine and cheerful, making it my signature color. :) . I also like creating things on my PSP (that's a graphic program, not the video game player), seeing movies, and spending more money than I should on things I swear I'll use, but never do. One of these days I'm going to learn to try clothes on before I buy them. Goodwill looooooves me...... Hmmmm.... Beyond that, I do my best to take good care of myself. Personal grooming is very important, as is staying fit and healthy. I take my puppy on long walks, and do my Denise Austen every morning. I also like to eat healthy. Fruits, veggies, a bit of soy here and there. Sweets are my weakness, but I try to keep it in check. I'll enjoy a slice of cake, but not the ENTIRE cake... I'm also very chatty. Talk to me, and I WILL respond... :)
Jet Li (prrrrrrr), the Girls Next Door, any of the cast of Sex and the City... The owner of the B.Moss clothing stores (maybe I could score a cool discount), and anybody famous enough to make a good story out of the meeting. I'd love to see the Dalai Lama in person. That man is an inspiration.
I like listening to 80's a lot, because it was the first music I really woke up and began listening to. But R&B, heavy metal, pop, rock, soft rock, oldies, punk, new age... It's all got something wonderful to offer to me. :)
Your Dosha is Pitta
You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor.
You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader.
Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways.
But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical.
With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you
In love: You are picky but passionate
To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight.
What's Your Dosha?
If it has Jet Li, it's gold. Right there. I don't care if it's a movie of him sitting on a rock, watching paint dry. That man is COOL! I like martial arts movies, romantic comedies, well made horror movies, foreign movies (the perspectives they have on the world are amazing) and "normal" comedies. 40 Year Old Virgin was the funniest thing I've seen in ages! Kate Hudson is a gem, Uma Thurman, Luke Wilson... You tend to see them in romantic comedies. I also like the savage movies out there. Alien had brilliant special effects. Doom had a hot star, so that was more than watchable. I am the kind of chick that can sit through a guy movie and enjoy the explosions. There are a lot of classic movies that I never get tired of watching. Monty Python is sure to lighten my mood. The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, What About Bob, When Harry Met Sally, Enemy Mine... I also strongly identify with Office Space. There are many days when I'm tempted to buy a red stapler and attack a piece of essential (but always malfunctioning) office equipment. :P
Oh my gosh, the new Dr. Who is amazing!!! But naturally, the moment I find a gem of a show like that, it stops playing... If any of you know where I can get the episodes from England, let me know, okay?.....Heroes is the other show I hold out for each week. 'Save the cheerleader, save the world'!!! The Girls Next Door is a LOT of fun to watch. Star Trek rules (DS9 especially rocked), as does StarGate. Yes, it's true. I am a Sci Fi geek. :P. House is a fantastic show. I've lost out on a lot of sleep, trying to stay up for that. Many reality shows on VH1 tend to grab me (like Flavor of Love... he totally should have picked New York..., and Celebrety Fit Club). I also like a lot of the typical girly shows, like Sex & The City and Desperate Housewives. I'd like to mention that none of this TV viewing would be possible without my wonderful TiVo. :D
It's been a while since I've been able to sit down and read a book straight through. As a teen, I used to read a lot of Sci Fi books. Now I'm just getting back into the swing of things, and feeling out my passions. Just got done reading 'The Nanny Diaries' (love it, but wasn't fond of the ending) and 'Freakonomics' (I feel smarter, just by owning it, let alone reading it)... Other favorites include 'Ten stupid things women do to mess up their lives' by Dr. Laura Schlessinger, 'The primal teen' by Barbara Strauch, and 'The rise of the creative class' by Richard Florida. I've also recently read 'The New Owner's Guide To Poodles', but I don't think that counts here... :P