About Me
English version:
Word, Sound & Power. It wasnt hard to fall for reggae music. It captivated me with its strength, power, energy and its defiance towards babylon system and consume society. I bought mi first vinyl and automatic turntable in 13, and started to collect records since dat time/ mostly Roots Reggae. My first live performance was on local music festival [Gympelrock] in 2002. Since that time I occasionally played in various clubs in Trencin [Area 51, KrankenHaus, Apollo]. It took long time, but I bought profi turntables and started to work on me skillz in detail. I became a member of well known GhettoYouths Sound and, together with Dj Mess and Andyman, we put all kinds of reggae & hip-hop together, from conscious roots and foundation hip-hop to killa dancehall and crunk. Ghetto Youths Sound is the biggest collector of Dubplates in Slovakia and first sound ever played dubs in here. SweatYo aka Simple Sample the selekta as an adage of how easy things can be done when a man wants. I co-organized and moderated the first slovak clash One Will Survive Clash in 2006. Besides playing in Tropical club [Welcome to Trenchtown] in Trencin, me regularly play in Radost bar [Neighbourz turn di Tablez with Dj Bass-t-Art] in Bratislava. Some of ma frenzz who i always love to play with : Soundbwoys Destiny (DE), Straight Up Sound (FR), BadFish Sound (AT), Green Kingdom Sound (CH), Buddha Monk (US), Babyface Fensta (US), Wassigan & Allycat Sound (JAM/CH), Mr.Mention (JAM/CZ), Nyaka (JAM), Damalistik of Roots Survival (FR), Raggamuffin Whiteman (BE), Roccaflex (CZ), Pro Sound (CZ), AMO, L.U.Z.A. & Cistychov, TurboBoost Riders, Jah Division Sound & Zet.U.Zet.A., Roots&Culture Sound. Today, me and all-the-crew are building the MIGHTY G H E TT O Y O U T H S SOUND outta Trenchtown. Big up fi all the Ghetto Youths Crew MeSs, Andyman, Kubjak, Kyso, Oldo, Smurfo, KVDS & all the supportive MASSIVE!! RESPECT!!
Slovak version:
Slovo, Zvuk, Sila. Nebolo tazké podlahnút Reggae music. Lákalo ma svojou silou, energiou, duchom a svojÃm vzdorom systému a konzumu. V 13 som kúpil svoj prvý vinyl a poloautomatický stolový gramofón. Zacal postupne zbierat platne...väcsinou Roots Reggae. K prvému hraniu doslo na malom festivale (GympelRock) v 2002. Odvtedy som prÃlezitostne hrával v rôznych podnikoch a miestach v TrencÃne (Area 51, KrankenHaus, Apollo). Kvôli nedostatku platnà a potrebnej aparatúry prebiehalo hranie hlavne z CD.
Trvalo to dlho, ale nakoniec som si zaobstaral gramofóny, pozical mix a zacal pracovat na svojich skills. Stal som sa clenom rozbehnutého a populárneho Ghetto Youths Sound Systému na cele s Dj Mess-om a Andymanom, a dali sme dokopy kompletny zvuk reggae a hip-hopu, od roots reggae a zaciatkov hip-hopu po killa dancehall a crunk. Ghetto Youths Sound je najvacsà zberatel Dubplatov (dubplate = track, ktorý spevák naspieva s venovanÃm pre sound alebo selectora, dj-a) na Slovensku a vobec prvy sound ktory ich tu kedy hral.
SweatYo (Sveto) aka Simple Sample - pretoze mám rád slovné hrátky :) Spolupodielal som sa na organizácii a moderovanà prvého slovenského clashu „One Will Survive Clash“. Okrem residentných akcià v trencianskom klube Tropical (Welcome To Trenchtown), hrávam pravidelne v bratislavskom bare Radost (Neighbourz Turn Di Tablez ft. DJ Bass(t)Art). Ludia s ktorymi s vzdy opat rad zahraaam Soundbwoys Destiny (DE), Straight Up Sound (FR), BadFish Sound (AT), Green Kingdom Sound (CH), Buddha Monk (US), Babyface Fensta (US), Wassigan & Allycat Sound (JAM/CH), Mr.Mention (JAM/CZ), Nyaka (JAM), Damalistik of Roots Survival (FR), Raggamuffin Whiteman (BE), Roccaflex (CZ), Pro Sound (CZ), AMO, L.U.Z.A. & Cistychov, TurboBoost Riders, Jah Division Sound & Zet.U.Zet.A., Roots&Culture Sound …. Dnes spolocne s Dj Mess-om a Andymanom budujeme mocný GHETTO YOUTHS SOUND outta Trenchtown !!
Simple Sample aka Jednoduchý PrÃklad aka Proste Vzorka ;) ale staci Sveto