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Dj MeSs

Dj MeSs a.k.a. Golden Bwoy (Ghetto Youths Sound)

About Me

Slovak version:
Prvý a jediný Soca selektor na Slovensku!!!
Históriu svojej hudobnej dráhy zacal tento selektor v roku 1999 pod pseudonymom „Dj MeSs“. Zaciatky jeho selekcie sú spojené s hip-hopom a r'n'b. V tom istom roku po prvýkrát vo svojom živote navštívil Jamajku. Kultúra rozšírená na tomto ostrove na neho zapôsobila natolko, že sa od tej doby až po súcasnost pred audienciou prezentuje ako Dj hrajúci reggae a dancehall. V rodnom Trencíne sa stal stálicou, kde položil základný kamen prvého Trencianskeho sound systému „Ghetto Youths“ a stal sa šíritelom tejto kultúry. V roku 2004 a 2007 opät odletel na Jamajku a získal si tak kontakty medzi umelcami z tohto ostrova. Vdaka týmto konexiám sa z neho stal prvý slovenský zberatel a selektor hrajúci *dubplates (*dubplate = track, ktorý spevák naspieva s venovaním pre sound alebo selectora). V roku 2005 sa zúcastnil ceského turnaja „45 CLASH“, kde sa vdaka svojej selekcii a podpore Trencianskeho publika prepracoval až do finále.Medzi ludmi je taktiež známy aj ako promotér. 14. septembra roku 2005 v Trencíne založil klub „Red, Gold & Green“ združujúci ludí, ktorí radi podporujú kultúru spojenú s reggae a dancehall-om. Tým sa postaral o pravidelnú zábavu v tomto meste. Na svoje konto si zapísal viacero prvenstiev. Avšak to najhlavnejšie sa spája s prvým slovenským clash-om „One Will Survive“, nakolko sa postaral o jeho vzniknutie a taktiež bol aj organizátorom prvej slovenskej „Dancehall Queen“. Neustále pracuje na zlepšovaní samého seba a v súcasnosti sa naplno venuje rozširovaniu aktivít spomínaného Trencianskeho klubu a organizovaniu parties, ktoré pritahujú stále viac a viac návštevníkov.
English version:
First and only Soca selecta outta Slovakia!!!
This selector began the history of his musical carreer in the year 1999 under the pseudonym „Dj MeSs“. The first years of his selections were connected deeply with hip-hop and R'n'B. In the same year, the first time in his life, he had a chance to visit Jamaica. Island rich in culture left really huge influence, so huge, that since that time until nowadays he keeps on presenting as a DJ playing reggae and dancehall. In the city of his birth Trencin he became a fix star, and founded the corner stone of the first Trencin sound system „Ghetto Youths“ and continued to spread this culture. In the year 2004 and 2007 he flew again to Jamaica and gained valueable contacts with the artists from this island. Thanks to this connections he happened to be the first Slovakian collector and selector that is playing dubplates. In the year 2005 he attented the „45 CLASH“ in Czech republic, where thanks to the support of his homies public he fought to the final round. In public he is also known as a music promoter. 14th September 2005 in Trencin he founded the club „Red, Gold & Green“ with unites people who support reggae and dancehall music and culture therein. By this he has managed to provide regular entertainment in the city. He has gained many achievements on his account. The biggest is the organization of first Slovak sound clash „One Will Survive“ and also the organization of the first slovak „Dancehall Queen“. He continues to work on himself technics and in the main time he works on spreading out the activities of the allready mentioned musical club "RG&G", by organizing parties that keep on atracting even more of vast amounts of people everytime.
Click The Cover 2 Download Socaration 2 presented by Dj MeSs 2008
Click The Cover 2 Download Socaration presented by Dj MeSs 2008
Click The Cover 2 Download Dj MeSs presents Lee'tal Mixtape 2008

My Interests


Member Since: 3/22/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Dj MeSs, Andyman, Dj Simple Sample & Dj Young J
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Record Label: Most High Records
Type of Label: Indie