Do YOU like Reggae/Dancehall Music? Want to see girls from all over the Midwest compete in the LARGEST dancehall queen competition between New York and Jamaica? If you go to ONE REGGAE event in Chicago, THIS is the one NOT TO MISS! See below for details-also we are still accepting entrants, so if you can dance and want to take a chance, see below!
OFFICIAL Dancehall Queen Press Release
April 3, 2007 CHICAGO-BIG HEAD promotions (the promoter for Jamaica's world famous, 10 year old annual International Dancehall Queen Competition), together with (the top-ranked website for reggae and dancehall in the midwest USA) and Bad Girl Promotions, present the 3rd Annual Midwest Dancehall Queen Competition on Saturday, July 7, 2007 at the Taste Entertainment Center 6331 S. Lowe, Chicago, IL.
This year's theme in keeping with the contest's date of 07/07/07 and this being the 3rd annual competition is TRIPLE SEVENS CLASH!!
There have been several successful dancehall queen competitions in Chicago over the years, but this is the first contest to be meticulously organized, culminating in the winner being sent to the International Dancehall Queen Competition held annually for the 10th year in Montego Bay Jamaica.
This year, for the first time, we are excited to announce that there will also be a cash prize, in addition to the trip to Jamaica for the winner, of $777 split among the winning 3 contestants!
The extraordinarily popular International Dancehall Queen contest held this year on July 28, 2007 in Montego Bay Jamaica attracts contestants from all over the world including, for example, last year's contestants from: New York, Florida state, Georgia, Sweden, Japan, Canada, Belize, Trinidad and of course Jamaica.
For further information, contact our marketing representative Jennifer Boswell at 773 793 4008 or email [email protected] .
the main concept of is a place where all reggae and dancehall fans can find information, pictures, reviews and fraternity. it is meant to be an unbiased source of information, free from corporate sponsorship and bias.
See Midwest Dancehall Queen Candi's performance at the 2006 MDQ competition in Chicago. ..
See MDQ Candi Model in Jamaica's DHQ Clothing line launch
Pictures from the Midwest Dancehall Queen Competition in Chicago and from Passa Passa in Kingston Jamaica.View Slideshow Get Your Own! | View Slideshow mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true"