Thanks to Rachel M. and Keith O.
Thanks to Rachel M. and Keith O.
4000...Iraq is taking the back burner over what American people believe to be more important, the economy, the home mortgage crisis, and HRC's war-time memories for her faithful. While our attention was diverted, the 4000th American Soldier was killed by a roadside bomb alongside 3 of his brothers. Wake Up America ... while we are inundated by news stories about everything else, our brothers and sisters are dying in Iraq.I Believe...Do You?WHAT IF?This is what Barack is all about..People
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If you are not registered to vote, please take a few minutes to do it today. Many people believe that one vote will not make a difference, but it will, together with all of the other voters. You have a right to make your voice heard! You are important, and your vote can, and WILL make a difference. If you are not currently a member of My Space, you will see Rock the Vote. Either way, register today!! Join us in the fight to regain our country. LET'S BARACK the VOTE!!
A strong voice for women and children, for all of us. I will be proud to have Michelle Obama as America's "First Lady"
OBAMA Was Against the War, From the Beginning. Now The Majority of American Citizens Believe We Need To Leave Iraq? How Many More Lives Will Be Lost? How Much Longer Will George W. Bush Continue to Ignore Us? It's Time For Us to Take a Stand! ~~BARACK THE VOTE~~ Bring Our Soldiers Home.Will the day come soon when little boys will not have to experience the fear and emotional turmoil of their Daddy going to war in Iraq? Waiting day after day, wondering if their Daddy will come home, alive? Fearing the death of a parent in a war when you're only 6 years old is more than any young child should have to endure. Especially when it's a war that is no longer a war, but a power struggle of one man against a country where the majority of it's citizen's disagree and want it to end!Who would Jesus Bomb?
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BELIEVE. Our Hero is here, now. BARACK the VOTE "When we send our young men and women into harm's way, we have a solemn obligation not to fudge the numbers or shade the truth about why they're going, to care for their families while they're gone, to tend to the soldiers upon their return, and to never, ever go to war without enough troops to win the war, secure the peace, and earn the respect of the world." Barack Obama PLEASE watch this video: Robert Cray - TwentyPINK - Dear Mr. President