YumaAz4Obama profile picture


Please take time to listen to the words of profile song Twenty by Robert Cray, Video also on page.

About Me

A More Perfect Union...Yes... This was a very good day 3/21/08This has been an amazing journey. For the longest time I hated to change anything on my profile, but it's time to start loading up all of my new favorites.I'll start with will.i.amYES WE CAN.......Proving that Yes We Can



Thanks to Rachel M. and Keith O.

My Interests

4000...Iraq is taking the back burner over what American people believe to be more important, the economy, the home mortgage crisis, and HRC's war-time memories for her faithful. While our attention was diverted, the 4000th American Soldier was killed by a roadside bomb alongside 3 of his brothers. Wake Up America ... while we are inundated by news stories about everything else, our brothers and sisters are dying in Iraq.I Believe...Do You?WHAT IF?This is what Barack is all about..People

This is truly a grassroots campaign that depends on the power of the people that have chosen to stand behind him on the road to the Democratic Primary,and through Hope Action and Change to the final vote that has the capacity to take this country back through our Presidential Candidate Barack Obama....This is what he had to say the day before he formally announced his decison to enter the race....BARACK OBAMA WEB PREVIEW

Add to My Profile | More VideosThis is a campaign, the first of it's kind, that in the 1st quarter attracted over 6.9 million donors through the Internet. Donations came from people of all races, all incomes levels,from rural and urban America, and from those of us who truly believe that through the power of people joining together, WE WILL get Barack Obama elected as our next President of the United States of America.UPDATE: September 30th, 2007. Nearing the end of the 3rd Quarter. I am so honered to be a part of this movement. We have made history. Each of us, whether it was $5 or $50 or beyond. We have made the American people AWARE of our HOPE.Join me in donating to the Obama campaign. This is a campaign that has been built on the $5-$10-$25-$50 donations of regular everyday people, like me, and like you. Together WE can make this happen. Every donation made is appreciated no matter how small, because combined together, from all of us, this is what will keep this campaign alive and on the road to success.

I'd like to meet:

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If you are not registered to vote, please take a few minutes to do it today. Many people believe that one vote will not make a difference, but it will, together with all of the other voters. You have a right to make your voice heard! You are important, and your vote can, and WILL make a difference. If you are not currently a member of My Space, you will see Rock the Vote. Either way, register today!! Join us in the fight to regain our country. LET'S BARACK the VOTE!!


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A strong voice for women and children, for all of us. I will be proud to have Michelle Obama as America's "First Lady"


OBAMA Was Against the War, From the Beginning. Now The Majority of American Citizens Believe We Need To Leave Iraq? How Many More Lives Will Be Lost? How Much Longer Will George W. Bush Continue to Ignore Us? It's Time For Us to Take a Stand! ~~BARACK THE VOTE~~ Bring Our Soldiers Home.Will the day come soon when little boys will not have to experience the fear and emotional turmoil of their Daddy going to war in Iraq? Waiting day after day, wondering if their Daddy will come home, alive? Fearing the death of a parent in a war when you're only 6 years old is more than any young child should have to endure. Especially when it's a war that is no longer a war, but a power struggle of one man against a country where the majority of it's citizen's disagree and want it to end!Who would Jesus Bomb?
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BELIEVE. Our Hero is here, now. BARACK the VOTE "When we send our young men and women into harm's way, we have a solemn obligation not to fudge the numbers or shade the truth about why they're going, to care for their families while they're gone, to tend to the soldiers upon their return, and to never, ever go to war without enough troops to win the war, secure the peace, and earn the respect of the world." Barack Obama PLEASE watch this video: Robert Cray - TwentyPINK - Dear Mr. President

My Blog

Moving On

Some days I just sit back and wonder about the path my life has taken me recently. I really don't think there is a worse feeling in the world than that of betrayal.  When you have people in your ...
Posted by YumaAz4Obama on Sat, 10 May 2008 02:28:00 PST

A Year Gone By

So, a little over a year ago I began on this journey.  I have volunteered in Nevada and Washington, and met people that I will remember forever... what an amazing journey so far. Oh... and did I ...
Posted by YumaAz4Obama on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 12:22:00 PST

Change We Can Believe In/ SC Speech

I am running because of what Dr. King called "the fierce urgency of now." I am running because I do believe there's such a thing as being too late. And that hour is almost here. http://www.youtube.com...
Posted by YumaAz4Obama on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 11:19:00 PST

Great Videos

Dean Hutson -  Dean of the Franklin Pierce Law Center and former Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy, announced his support for Barack Obama on Tuesday.  Dean Hutson had been a registere...
Posted by YumaAz4Obama on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 11:10:00 PST

This is Where it Begins

Ok, So this is my first attempt at trying to pull together any type of political anything.....But I am determined.   I believe that the only solution to the problems in America is under the lead...
Posted by YumaAz4Obama on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 03:47:00 PST