Playing Video Games, breaking records, having fun with many people who are playing games.Divisions in the World Wide Professional Gaming League are as follows.1)The Under 8-Bit Division: Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Coleco, Intellevision
People who like, make and play games. Jessica Alba =) People who support my Pro Gaming League =)
Game music(be it metal to orchestrated)Some types of almost all music.
Movies about games(even the ones that suck)Horrors, Comedies, Dramas, Sci-Fi, TRON...whatever, it doesn't matter if I'm not playing a game. Best Movies: 40 Year Old Virgin, Grandma's Boy, Anchorman, Princess Bride, Star Trek II-Wrath of Khan, Tommy Boy, Star Wars movies, Indiana Jones movies, Back to the Future trilogy, Dawn of the Dead(new and old) Night of the Living Dead(new and old), Day of the Dead, The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, In the Mouth of Madness, 28 Days and Weeks Later, Sin City, Into the Blue, *Sleeping Dictionary*, Conan, Goodfellas, Scarface, Carlito's Way, Heat, etc
Anything video game related. See above for more details. I like old Mario Cartoons with Capt. Lou! The Zelda ones too, Sonic, Mega Man, Family Guy, Simpsons, Scrubs, Heroes, Star Trek:Voyager, Twilight Zone, Futurama, Everybody Loves Raymond, SNL, Mad TV, you know, stuff that's good to watch.
What is a...Book?
TRON, Ryu, Ken, Rayden, Mario, Pac-Man, Mega-Man, The Belmont Family, Link, Billy and Jimmy, Captain Commando, Snake, Claire A and Leon B, Donkey Kong, Bowser, M Bison, Pitfall Harry, Counter-Terrorists Win, Nei, Lutz, Will Wright, Game producers/makers, Game Music producers/makers, Game World Record Holders, George Herman Ruth, Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, Frank and Jackie Robinson, Alexander G. Bell, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Socrates, Aristotle, William Shakespear, William Shatner, Harrison Ford, Kurt Russell, Robert Deniro, Al Pacino, Jerry Rice, Albert Einstein, Newton, Amerigo Vespucci, Governor ARNOLD!! *Jessica Marie Alba*.