Free Burma! profile picture

Free Burma!


About Me

Burma is one of the poorest countries in the world and has a population of around 47 million (England has around 58 million).
Burma is and has been ruled by one of the most brutal and corrupt regimes in the world since 1962, responsible for:
The widespread use of forced labour
Over 1 million people forced from their homes
At least 1100 political prisoners, many of whom are routinely tortured
As many as 70,000 child soldiers - more than any other country in the world
Rape as a weapon of war against ethnic women and children Nearly half the government budget spent on the military and just 19p per person per year on health
One in ten babies die before their fifth birthday
The use of people has Human landmine cleares
In 1988, on the 8th of August. The Junta finally responded to calls for democracy by opening fire with machine guns on demonstrators in Rangoon and other cities. The carnage was immense. While the exact number will never be known, it is estimated that as many as 5,000 people were killed. Thousands more were arrested, many of whom were tortured. The Junta pledged that elections would be held after peace and tranquillity were restored in Burma.
In 1990 there was a free election to everyones supprise. Opposing the Junta was Aung San Suu Kyi leader of the National League For Democracy (NLD). In that election the NLD won 82% of the vote. A clear victory and message to the Junta that they where not wanted. However the Junta decided not to count the vote. They locked Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest and arrested many of NLD memebers and supports. Aung San Suu Kyi is still in her house under house arrest today. She has been there for most of the last 16 years.
The Burma army rules a 1984 style big brother dictatorship. With many people in Burma unable to turst others for fear of beening imformed to the Junta. The Junta has many MI's how work as informers for them who mix amoung the general population. The problem with this is know one knows who they are. This prevents then the ability to organise underground resistance as just talking of poltical change in Burma will have you arrested for around 20 years.
So to this day the army continues its hard line totaliatarian rule. It continues its ethnic cleasing of the Karen people. It continues keeping Aung San Suu Kyi who is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, under house arrest.DONATE MONEY TO THE 'FREE BURMA RANGERS' ON THERE WEBSITE VIA PAYPAL. THAT IS THE WAY WE CAN DIRECTLY HELP THE BURMESE STRUGGEL AGAINST OPPRESSION. WWW.FREEBUMARANGER.ORG - DONATE NOW!

My Interests

Cheroot, Food (Mohinga), Tea, Books, Cinema, Buddhism


Nap Nat the Napi Natural


Burma Secret War, Total Denial, Beyound Rangoon, The Purple Plain


In Burma the televison is all Junta run propaganda, mostly showing Junta Generals simling with corny music to go with. Outside Burma, there is very little media attention for the oppression and abuse of human rights that goes on. The scale of the Burmese situtation is up there with Isral and Palistine, Darfur, Iraq, North Korea and Turkmenistan but yet it gets no coverage. Why is this? It's because of News Values. News about Burma = No sales = No money for newspapers.


Letter's From Burma - By Aung San Suu Kyi, From The Land Of Green Ghosts - By Passcal Koo Thee, Secret Histories - Finding George Orwell In A Burmese Teashop - By Emma Larkin


Aung San, Aung San Suu Kyi, Free Burma Rangers, John Pilger, US Freedom Campaign, UK Campaign For Burma

My Blog

Who Killed Aung San? - Documentary

Part 1 Of 5 Part 2 Of 5 Part 3 Of 5 Part 4 Of 5 Part 5 Of 5 ...
Posted by Free Burma! on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 06:51:00 PST

Chronology Of Burma

1824-1886Burma annexed to British India during three successive Anglo-Burmese Wars.1937Burma separated from India and granted a constitution, providing a limited measure of self-government (ethnic min...
Posted by Free Burma! on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 06:07:00 PST

Total Oil - Main Supporter Of The Dictatorship

Burma is ruled by a military dictatorship renowned for both oppressing and impoverishing its people, while enriching itself and the foreign businesses that work with it. TOTAL Oil, the fourth largest...
Posted by Free Burma! on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 05:54:00 PST