everyone supporting peace and justice
What Beatle are you?
John Lennon
You enjoy poetry, painting & a fine wine. A lover not a fighter.
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Life of Pi, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Everything is Illuminated
Everyone out there trying to make a difference, no matter how grand or small the effort
Just a few ways you can make a difference:
1) Turn off all electronics when not in use. Better yet, use a power strip and turn that off as well. Even when electronics are turned off, they're still plugged in!
2) Buy from your local farmers market. Not only are you supporting local farms, you'll also help eliminate the gas used to truck in produce from many miles away.
3) Only support fair trade products.
4) Change out your lightbulbs with energy efficient lighting. You'll reduce energy consumption, and long term costs to you.
5) Ride or walk whenever possible, or carpool if you are travelling great distances.