OK....so...that "About me" part ...ahhh..
They say a picture is worth a thousand words,
& now with 1000+ pic upload...mine should tell A LOT about me..
The most obvious is I speak visually...visual artist ...visual ...right.
To really get a concept of
"who I am".. view my photos
...read the quotes accompanying them that motivate me through life,
listen to the music that motivates me to create ..and if you do
you'll get a
better idea then some people who know me in person.
You'll get to see "what I
see", listen to what I am listening to
..and maybe if "we" are on the same
understand what moves me
...It's almost like getting a peek
into that
brain batter swirling around behind my eyes
and between my ears ....long story
...this is my view of "the room".
I am a Artist who
tends to hermitize...
AKA there are few who know where the
"secret entrance to the bat cave" is.
Friends DO NOT drop in
...I like my privacy until I want company.
I'm quiet until I get to know you...
(not the other way around)
...and then you discover I'm just a wee tad
sorta kinda insane ..but in that
"entertaining you just cant
tear yourself away" kinda way!
I am a mother of a
beautiful 6'3" 200ish lb,
19 yr old young man I raised by myself
who's just starting to step into his own.
He's recently moved out with his girlfriend
and is just starting to figure out momma
might actually know a lil sumthin sumthin about ...
" life ".
...since I had him when I was 18 my " adult life "
up until this point has been caring for my heart
In other words...living by myself is something very new
I'm learning too..there are days I run around
in my chonies, yellin "Whooo hooo
I'm free!!"
and others I dont know what to do with myself
...I'm adjusting....and there's always the cats
...ehh....I've considered a roommate
but decided this is an optimal time to
reacquaint myself with a long lost friend
I take pictures constantly, documenting....
"us", our world, myself, my work in different
and everything in between...that my third eye lands on.
I say documenting because that is what a picture is
to me anyway...to instantly capture and share a moment
to freeze.....a second in time.....*click*
that you can review over and over again
and the second the picture is taken....its history
..litterally that moment will never "be" again
...good bad and ugly..I love that part
of the digital world we live in today.
It's seeing through someone else's eyes
in that instant it took them to click the shutter
...what you do with it after.. that's the 'art' of it all...
...sharing it...documenting preserving.
I have an obsessions for silly shoes, goofy slippers,
sassy T-shirts and PJs, white men's dress shirts,
(wait that reads wrong lol...men's white dress shirts)
wild hats and ridiculously oversized overalls
...and ..I'm ok with that ..cause
Interesting thing to take note...
and consider about your own life
more people are intrigued by ME
...in my paint covered overalls...
rockin the wild child hair.. that screams
"No matter of fact I didn't brush it today thank you!"
doing my own thing...then they ever did
in my assimilated into the borg
....clone style power suit, pumps and perfect hair
...which is groovy for me
... cause frankly I really dig being just "me".
I am a humanist because
that simplifies
all my ist's into one category...
I believe everyone
should have the equal right
to excel and enjoy life ..
without restrictions based on
color creed gender or sexual preference.
I an an internet
junkie...not because I can
watch any variety of porn I could ever think of,
or talk to multiple people telling me how I'm sexy
while sitting in yesterdays chonies
drinking yesterdays nuked coffee
...as entertaining as that might seem
..but because it is a plethora of information
...right there ..no heavy books ..its news
..politics people...from every view
..poetry pictures art books movies music
reviews directions to unfound places....
all right there a couple keystrokes away
Seriously ..have you ever heard
Billie Holiday
sing "Strange Fruit"
...BUT have you watched her sing it..
( video is to the left under movies)
Scroll down if you haven't ..I'll wait..
..see what I mean ...
You and your relationship with the web
is only limited by your imagination...
( to
help you along there are tons of links below
to the left under brain food and video clips in music movies etc
..yes it's a full service entertainment/educational like type page )
So umm...oh yeah ...ME ..where was I ..
I am a garden digging-flower plantin-tree huggerishy
almost vegetarian-er-esc-ish, who loves shrimp
but now has guilt trips thanks to "A Sharks Tale"..
yes I still watch kids cartoons/movies....if for nothing else
I want to know what their mentally feeding our kids...ya dig?
..cause someday...they will (hopefully) be taking care of us.
I am a college student,
(NEVER too old to go back
to school or gain more knowledge
this is your ride on the merry go round
...dont let someone else dictate
how you should experience it)
..double majoring in art (painting emphasis)
and black studies, as PSU's 1st African American
Visual Arts Scholarship Recipient ( full ride)
...and a teacher in my own right ...
just working on those official
"papers" to officially say I am.
I am an obsessive
collector of music,
books, knowledge ...and of course ...art.
I collect the unusual ..the forgotten shiny chach-kies
things I call "magpie treasures" that talk to me.
I probably need a 12 step program for Ebay.
I adore junk stores, second hand shops...
(I'm already in a 12 step for that.)
I collect quotes, proverbs & other short sayings
(yeah even fortune cookies)
with profound potentially life changing content..
that encourage thought and progression,
...key words ...thought and progression
...my mind has been numb long enough.
K hold on...This is the part where I get
I am very obsessed with
knowledge and historical FACTS
The more I learn the less I realize I really know
and the reason I decided to double major..
..not the fiction we have been taught for centuries
If you know anything about the true history of our nation
you know most of what we have been taught
is lies to comfort one type of people and "control" another.
It's a huge influence of, and reflects in much of my work.
...those same lies are a huge influence on how we act
and react with each other in this society as well.
I truly believe that our world and the racial tensions in
wont ever end until the lies that created it
are brought to light....set yourself free learn some truth.
If you want to learn a little something about life,
this world we live in ...
who knows maybe even yourself
I encourage you to subscribe to my
blog .
Yes it deals with
ethninticities, race,
and all that info that gets left out intentionally ..
The stuff that makes us squirmy that we would rather
"would just go away"...and it will ... just as soon as we
learn to deal with it...individually and as a society.
Racism is still a very real part of our daily lives
...don't fool yourself into thinking its not
because you think you are not.
Your either part of the solution...or part of the
"Those who forget the past
are destined to relive it" ~Malcolm X
My Work...
I as I mentioned, am an
My first love
for my own creativity...
paint and canvas
..but from shrinky dinks
to stone sculpture I've dont it all
To view my work individually either
scroll up and view my photo albums
Some are open for all to
some are friends only ...ALL are "me"
telling you about "me...I speak visually.
Visit my official website: