planning my next meal, farmers' markets, cafe life, passport-required travel, road trips, garage sales, photography, ranting about Bush & Co., cupcakes, staying up late, naps in the afternoon, Lucha Va Voom, Vegas, sarcasm, Scattegories, pin-up art, dim sum, KPFK's Jerry Quickley, Jonathan Gold's column in the L.A. Weekly, The Madonna Inn, This American Life, Fresh Air with Terry Gross, Netflix, Bill Hicks, Eddie Izzard, David Cross, Zach, Austin, Mexican folk art, mah jongg, Harajuku, William Debilzan, linocut reduction artist Dave Lefner, La Luz de Jesus Gallery, lots more art, and the dog I hope to own someday.
Philosophers, misfits, musicians, writers, artists, geeks, arty geeks.Oh, and this guy...
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Too much.
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Enid, Lola, Clementine, Wendy Wasserstein