Falun Dafa, Marfa TX & toasted marshmallow milkshakes, mah jong, bridge, Tucson, chess, yardwork, housework, bailey's on the rocks, tequila, fish, ginger, ice cream, Nueva York, crazy color combinations, thrifting, estate sales, gold colored things and sparkly things, drum kits, drummers, organized people, people that are in love, animals, babys, vegetarian food, depriving myself of tv, baking, frosting, argus the worlds greatest cat, that i-phone thing y mas por seguro
a date to go with me to see the mike love conglomerate of beach men next month at desert diamond casino...
R. Stevie Moore, The Zsa Zsas, Harry Nilsson, Margo Guryan, The Zombies, Lalo Schifrin, DJ Dave the Spazz, Scott Walker, Orkevil River, Electric Magnolia, M.I.A., Marching bands & Batucadas, Reggaeton, the lemon drop gang...
Probably Emmanuelle IV if I could stay awake long enough to see it. DARJEELING EXPRESS!!!!!!!!!!
no tengo tele, so I watch the "internet" (and want to kill it too!) Watch black books below...
Tanks, The history of screaming, The little book of calm
Nim Chimpsky, Daniel Johnston, Michelle Porter in NY/FLA