Hearts of Fire International Ministries is an international ministry called to global awakening and harvest. All throughout the world including North America, Asia and soon to be in Africa, the Hearts of Fire International team is sparking revival fires and equipping the Body of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, opening & imparting the prophetic, teaching sound doctrine, equipping the Church to rule and reign in Christ, and taking God’s saving, healing and delivering power to the nations.
Furthermore, Hearts of Fire International Ministries partners with other ministries around the world opening & building schools, humanitarian outreaches, local churches, creative economic endeavors in third-world nations and in the near future… orphanages.
Hearts of Fire International’s vision is to see people revived in a new passion for Jesus, burning in the reality of who they are in Christ, equipped with the power of God with the fire of evangelism that will reach the lost. This goal is achieved through several different means including, conferences, seminars, resources, mission and ministry trips, relationships, and by whatever means possible. ............................................................
If you would like more details about the ministry simply click below to access the website:
www.heartsoffireintl.com- Click for website