Nothing better than learning!! And in everyday life there is a lesson. I enjoy learning different languages, dances and arts. I love creativity, books, film, comedy, cooking, animals people and mother earth. Love putting my feet in the dirt, sand and water. I dig gardening, the ocean, magical sunsets and bright full moons. Sippin tea, candle light and lavendar baths put me at peace. I am invested in social consciousness and change, building socialism. While we are here, let's make it happen. Keep on loving and keep on fighting!
Political, Social, Artistic, Revolutionary, Poetic and Creative Mindz
Any!! Dig hip hop, bebop, jazz, blues, funk, reggae, soul, rock, afrolatin, world music and other vibrations
Frida, Benny and June, Chocolate, A Beautiful Life, Pan's Labyrith, most Spike Lee joints and documentries.
Not big into TV but I enjoy Lost, CSI, cartoons & animal planet.
I could go on and on. I'm a huge reader!! I love fiction, historical fiction, Auto/Biographies and inspirational. Just to name a few: The life of Pi, Assata, Malcolm X Bio, Nelson Mendela Bio, Things fall apart, The red tent, In Rena's Hands, When I was puerto rican, The lost art of war, Carmelo, Harriet Jacobs (slave narrative), Nectar in a sieve and Communist Manifesto.
Beautiful People and the Mother's who birthed them!! Che, Fidel, Malcolm X, Frida, Hughy P Newton, MLK jr, Rosa Parks, Crazy Horse, Mumia (ALL political prisoners in the struggle), Palestinian Freedom Fighters, Assata, Harriot T, My Jewish Fam, Miriam Makeba, Nelson Mendela, Sankara, Marx, Trotsky, Miles, Coltrane, Louy, Billi, Ella, Gil S Heron, Donny the list could go on and on..there are so many more to mention. Maybe you could be a hero too!!