the Screaming Cherry Blossoms is a band that was born on April 1, 2007. This is when their friend, Joel , came to visit from New York City and brought all his fancy jazz licks with him. Prior to that, it existed in a primordial state where Alissa and Elliott played as a lofi duo...until Alissa developed a rare and bizarre illness which required that they go on a long hiatus.The band has only existed in the same space time continuum for one day. Less than a Joel lives in New York City and Alissa and Elliott live in Minneapolis. The Big Apple and the Mini Apple. But it was a magical day. They spent the whole day preparing a set for a gig at the Acadia Cafe , and they managed to record themselves playing through the set once before they realized they were going to be late for the gig. Quickly, they packed up all their equipment. But alas, at midnight their tour bus turned into a pumpkin, and Joel was off to return to the big city.
Demos were made as a the result of their one day. They were by no means meant to represent the band's full potential. They were not even recorded by a real engineer. They were basically a hack job. That summer, they convinced Joel to make a second trek to the mini-apple - where they did some real recording at the prestigious Third Ear Studio . Unfortunately, they were only able to record half of a record before their beloved Third Ear was demolished by the man.It's not clear when they will meet again, but until then they have a lovely single...