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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

The name's Christophe.
Check out my Blog devoted to cycling and bike racing:

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! Buy a t-shirt and show Mr. Pound who the real "Dick" is!
"I'm a modern man, a man for the millennium, digital and smoke-free, a diversified multi-cultural post-modern deconstructionist, politically, anatomically, and ecologically incorrect. I've been uplinked and downloaded, I've been inputed and outsourced, I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading. I'm a high-tech lowlife, a state-of-the-art bi-coastal multitasker, and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond. I'm new wave, but I'm old school, and my inner child is outward bound. I'm a hot-wired, heat-seeking, warm-hearted cool customer, voice-activated and biodegradeble. I interface with my database, and my database is in cyberspace, so I'm interactive, I'm hyperactive, and from time to time, I'm radioactive. Behind the 8-ball, ahead of the curve, riding the wave, dodging the bullet, pushing the envelope. I'm on point, on task, on message, and off drugs. I got no need for coke and speed. I have no urge to binge and purge. I'm in the moment, on the edge, over the top, but under the radar. A high-concept, low-profile, medium-range ballistics missionary. A street-wise smart bomb, a top-gun bottom-feeder. I wear power ties, I tell power lies, I take power naps, I run victory laps. I'm a totally ongoing bigfoot slamdunk rainmaker with a proactive outreach. A raging workaholic, a working rageaholic, out of rehab and in denial. I got a personal trainer, a personal shopper, a personal assistant, and a personal agenda. You can't shut me up, you can't dumb me down, 'cause I'm tireless, and I'm wireless. I'm an alphamale on beta blockers. I'm a non-believer and an overachiever, laid back, but fashion forward, up front, down home, low rent, high maintenance; super size, long lasting, high definition, fast acting, oven ready, and built to last. I'm a hands-on, footloose, kneejerk headcase, prematurly post-traumatic, and I have a love child who sends me hate mail. But I'm feeling, I'm caring, I'm healing, I'm sharing, a supportive, bonding, nurturing, primary caregiver. My output is down, but my income is up. I take a short position on a long bond, and my revenue stream has its own cash flow. I read junk mail, I eat junk food, I buy junk bonds, I watch trash sports. I'm gender specific, capital intensive, user friendly, and lactose intolerant. I like rough sex, I like tough love, I use the F-word in my e-mails, and the software on my hard drive is hardcore, no soft porn. I bought a microwave at a minimall, I bought a minivan at a megastore, I eat fast food in the slow lane. I'm tollfree, bite size, ready to wear, and I come in all sizes. A fully equipped, factory authorized, hospital tested, clinically proven, scientifically formulated medical miracle. I've been prewashed, precooked, preheated, prescreened, preapproved, postdated, freeze dried, double wrapped, vacuum packed, and I have an unlimited broadband capacity. I'm a rude dude, but I'm the real deal, lean and mean, cocked, locked, and ready to rock; rough, tough, and hard to bluff. I take it slow, I go with the flow, I ride with the tide, I got glide in my stride. Drivin' and movin', sailin' and spinin', jivin' and groovin', wailin' and winnin'. I don't snooze, so I don't lose. I keep the pedal to the metal and the rubber on the road. I party hardy, and lunch time is crunch time. I'm hangin' in, there ain't no doubt, and I'm hangin' tough, over and out."-George Carlin
A little about me: I'm ambitious. I'm out to find the best that life has to offer me. I'm blindly and wildly loyal to my friends. I firmly believe that being there for one another is a key factor to personal happiness and success in life.I'm a foodie. I love to cook and eat out. i love wine, food, good music, and great conversation. I hit up the NYC restaurant sceme more than i should.I'm a cyclist. I love going down a hill at 50 mph on my bike, and i love getting sun at the levee while watching the mississippi roll by and drinking daquiris. I love going to concerts and shows for lots of different music (although i like smaller shows better). I love the bustle and clamor of new york city, and i love trapsing around the city on my fixed gear. I'm a new yorker at heart (and i drive like one too...) and I'll always be in love with this city. No matter how long you've lived here, there's always something new to discover.I'm a citizen of 3 countries france, switzerland, US) and i'm half middle eastern and half french. I speak french and some italian, and i'm tryin to learn a little spanish i love celebrating other cultures, and appreciate the fact that there's always more than one way to look at something.I love having a completely diverse group of friends. Having friends who aren't from the same background as you allows to grow as a person. I'm not fond of cliques that involve alot of people who look and act exactly the same. I also have a pet peeve about people who try too hard to be "individuals". Dressing indie and listening to emo doesnt make you unique, being yourself does.I love meeting new people, and i'm pretty easy to talk to, so hit me up. instant msger: NYROCKCITY21
MSN: [email protected]

My Interests

TOUR DE FRANCE!GO GEORGE! exotic italian bikes,Cooking,
Team in training.
Cycling, Trading, thefacebook, Barhopping, Wine, movies, Driving, Martinis, tanning, dancing partying, lounging, coffee

I'd like to meet:

First and foremost, This guy: (thanks kristin) People with common interests, cycling buddies, beautiful women, people who have something to say, and fellow New Yorkers who want to rip up the town/ discover something new in the city. Lets have some fun!Ekimov, Lance, George, Vino, Floyd (DONE!), Zabriske.
And any fellow bike racers/Cross racers
Who I dont want to meet: people who typecast themselves as hipsters, emo, or indie. the clothes you wear and the music you listen to doesn't make you an individual; being yourself does.
I want to meet people who arent jaded and have a lust for life.


I'm a big fan of alot of different stuff. I've been getting into the mellow/loungey music lately- stuff like the [Nip/Tuck] soundtrack, [Zero 7] and St. Germaine. my favorite band right now is [Cowboy mouth]. GREAT band, even better live show. I also like: ben harper, maroon 5, counting crows, Cowboy Mouth, The Killers, Slim Francis, guns n'roses, stone temple pilots, Dispatch, Jurassic 5, Crystal Method, portishead, The Gipsy Kings, Armik, Flamenco, Massive Attack, Hotel Costes, Cafe Del Mar, buddha bar and anything in between


i just saw batman begins and thought it was the Shit

the professional, Dodgeball, The Triplets of Belleville, The Ring, Pirates of the Carribbean, Hero, Spiderman 2, X-men 2, Oldschool, The Graduate, American Psycho, Shawshank Redemption, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Donnie Darko, Eddie Izzard (dress to kill), and

Christopher Walken movies , taxi driver, The Hudsucker Proxy, Cool Hand Luke, Be Cool, Silence of the lambs trilogy, etc... Favorite Actors: Chris Walken, Anthony Hopkins, Tim Robbins, denzel washington, sam Jackson, and christian Bale.


NIP/TUCK, MXC!, the shield, drawn together, the office, the simpsons, and family guy. i'm also addicted to sleazy reality dating shows


it's not about the bike- lance armstrong, Ugly Americans, Liar's poker, And anything by Tom Robbins: Skinny legs and all, Jitterbug Perfume, Still life of a Woodpecker, Half Asleep in frog pajamas.


Lance Armstrong, the destroyer of worlds- Jan Ullrich, The honored teammates who ride with me in Team in training. and Chris Walken.

My Blog

Back to it

Bicycle Races Are Coming Your WayBack to it4/10/2008Holy Crap, the racing season's been going on for a month now! Time's really been flying, and I've been slacking off in writing about my triumphant m...
Posted by Stophecycle on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 07:56:00 PST

Rouge Roubaix Recap

Bicycle Races Are Coming Your WayRoubaix Recap3/10/2008Well i'm back from my 3 day stint in Louisiana. It was a fantastic weekend filled with seeing old friends, hitting up my old stomping grounds in ...
Posted by Stophecycle on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 07:02:00 PST

Preparing for the Epic

Bicycle Races Are Coming Your WayPreparing for the Epic1/16/2008Well, Training is back in full force. Resolutions have been made, workouts have been doled out by the coaches. Bikes, kits and other ost...
Posted by Stophecycle on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 06:55:00 PST

2007 in photos

check them out here-  i couldnt get the slideshow to work on myspace!
Posted by Stophecycle on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 07:56:00 PST


Bicycle Races Are Coming Your WayBest/Worst12/29/2007So 2007 is pretty much all done, and '08 is just round the corner. this time of year is the perfect opportunity for content-starved/lazy bloggers s...
Posted by Stophecycle on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 03:14:00 PST

I aint fraid of no spokes

Bicycle Races Are Coming Your WayI ain't 'fraid of no spokes11/11/2007It's been a good while since I've updated my narcissistic corner of the interweb, so here goes:cross has been super fun/painful. ...
Posted by Stophecycle on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 07:36:00 PST

Out with the road and in with the cross

Bicycle Races Are Coming Your WayOut with the road and in with the Cross9/19/2007I've been going full throttle with racing since late march, and started to relax and taper a week or two ago. I was sta...
Posted by Stophecycle on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 03:48:00 PST

August: Time Trials and Summercross

Bicycle Races Are Coming Your WayAugust: Time Trials and Summercross8/14/2007August is a bit of a quagmire. It's late in the season, people seem to be burning out a bit, and the end or road racing is ...
Posted by Stophecycle on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 08:41:00 PST

CRCA Twofers, TT on the way

Bicycle Races Are Coming Your WayCRCA Twofers, TT on the way8/4/2007Last weekend there were two crca races in one weekend. a scratch race followed by a points race. I was interested to see what the dy...
Posted by Stophecycle on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 07:46:00 PST

Surviving Owasco

Bicycle Races Are Coming Your Way Surviving Owasco 7/19/2007 I love out of town races. To be honest, it's one of my favorite parts of this whole racing thing. I think bike racers living in our love...
Posted by Stophecycle on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:40:00 PST