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Cosmos has made her fantasies come to life...

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Sweet songs of youth, the wise...the meeting of all wisdom. To believe in the good in man.... ....Once upon a time, everything that makes you, me and everything, came from he stars...Look up at the night sky, what do you see? The planets, the stars, a trillion points of light. Look into the fabric of space and time, what do we see? Possibility, indistingushable from solid and imaginary, either way, your your Universe.We live in a small corner of the universe...this is our solar system; our nieghborhood. At it's center is our star, the sun. And just 150 million kilometers away is our home...the Earth. It's an astonishing planet; the only place we know of in the whole universe where condtions are right for life. The air we breathe, rich seas and oceans; our planet...IS ALIVE. What's remarkable shouldn't be. Life on Earth should't even exist...but it does."Who shines so bright in all the songs of loves unending spells.......I just am. I know nothing and know all things. The tissues that make up my brain are quantum computers,intangled in delusion, they decide how to organize eternity and all possibility into a neverending series of eternal experiences. Life folds over into death, so that life can exist once more. Forged in the heart of the stars, contemplated over the evolutionary eons, my form came to be. I am not matter, only irrigated by the fundementals. I am not energy, only a revised version of the same force. I am a form. I am an experience. One in a series of infinte and unending. I know no hell, I know no heaven. Religions are the blind and ignorance of a world terrified by thier isolation and utter lonliness. The Macroscopic and the microscopic forms of reality are now telling us something beyond our wildest dreams. Not only are we infinte in duration and form, but all forms and durations exist. There are infinite parralles to this universe, a universe 100 Billion galaxies strong...each of those entangled membranes of possibility containing hundreds of billions of worlds within them. AND this is ONLY one version of one universe; with infinite parralle possibilities. Outside this boundless, yet finite version of things, lie infinite more universes; with infinite paralles.This is the COSMOS; all there ever was, all there ever is, and all there ever will be. Eternity is the thumbprint of divine order. Within order lies the Creator; from nothing everything came to be by the will of the pantheistic conciousness. Nothing was not, so everything must be. It is a fly of fantasy that looms over "reality" in a glory that pales to any description man, alien, or any other being in all the cosmos can ever dear describe with words; for words procede language, symbols procede words. Then where could such paradoxial logic arise from? No one can truly answer that question in honesty, but all forms in all time and space are nothing more then bits and bytes of information. All things are words. The language of God. Life itself is merely codes, a language of the divine, whispering you and I into being to share with it, and all things, the experiences that life brings. Love and hate, light and dark, joy and sorrow, solitude and remark. The ancients called the creator, The Lord of The Dance; I can see why now. It was the harmony, we are a tune, I hope and pray one day all man will also see these beautiful things, and I pray it is soon! *mauh*---Christopher aka Mr.Man mspmb src="

My Interests

Myspace Graphics Light...I burst out and danced ten ways plus a here and there....i spun in a circle and went to war with my doppelganger....Children of light survived...the eons would have to claim many forms....the stars burst into glorious complexity; building the elements of possibility...catastrophe detonated our essence to condense into the very worlds our story would be told about....our fragments took simplest structure and complex mystique ....we subtley rebuilt the reciever of conciousness....we ate from the tree of good and evil in an instance between swinging and landing on our feet....we stood up and looked back facross the void we struggle so long to escape...we cannot stay anywhere is always at our back...we must fight to be human being...the story is neverending...from light we are descending. Song Code form MySpace Toolbox

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Song Code form MySpace Toolbox


Compilation of UFO Video Footage and Testimony

Footage and Testimony from well qualified witnesses. Raw information. No editorial agenda.Will you watch this all the way through? Will it awaken you?Then forward this link to at least 1 other person. Wake up. It's time to move on. The path to our future is indicated by this evidence.


MySpace Avatars Lyrics

My Blog

Bio-cognitive awareness via quantum field intanglement

It was made aware to me this evening that plants have the ability to respond, feel, hurt, be sad etc. That in of itself is amazing, but whats more amazing is that they also seem to be able to "read" h...
Posted by Chris on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 01:50:00 PST

Marquis de Sade: Dialogue between a Priest and a Dying Man

PRIEST - Come to this the fatal hour when at last from the eyes of deluded man the scales must fall away, and be shown the cruel picture of his errors and his vices - say, my son, do you not repent th...
Posted by Chris on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 06:03:00 PST

Rythmic Halon Conveyer of Conciouness and Order

I covered my eyes; shutting out all things real and dwelling only in the minds eye. All things being the same but so infinitly different. Is it this irony that gives us will to be? Eternally complex b...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 30 May 2007 01:46:00 PST

excerpts from a previous entry of misplaced travels of men

Never-Ending-Story....PLEASE don't take my word for it...because my word dosn't mean a damn thing....just functions of material, properties of the delusional minds attemptive grasp but ultimate halluc...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 23 May 2007 10:43:00 PST

Simplicity and Complexities

I dont know what is really simple....everything seems to only get more and more complex as you grow and learn. When you look back over the shoulder of time....we grew from star dust...and here we are....
Posted by Chris on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:05:00 PST


The Dream ended with a bang, the universe opened its eternal eyes When the two eternal membranes of possibility merged Thier twisted mangled carcusses warped energy and possibility into manifestation ...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:03:00 PST


So its been like over a year since i decided to be rid of the myspace scourge. However I found myself bored the other evening and I felt like speaking whats goin on in my head again. I love speculativ...
Posted by Chris on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 10:51:00 PST