Kilimanjaro: Hakuna Matata |
Hi Guys,Well, I must begin by apologising for my recent absence from the blogosphere. I really don't know where the time has gone, but you can rest assured that I have been busy. Things have been goin... Posted by i want a word on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 07:53:00 PST |
BBC blues |
Hi guys, Sorry it's been a while since my last post; I've been spending my time out and about trying to drum up some publicity for I want a word, as well as working on another project (which you'll he... Posted by i want a word on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 10:56:00 PST |
On a Wing and a Prayer |
Hi Guys, How's everything going? Things here at I want a word have been going quite slowly recently, certainly more slowly than I would have liked. The major problem, I think, is that all of the initi... Posted by i want a word on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:14:00 PST |
Buying Time |
The internet really is an amazing place. There's new ideas and new experiments starting all the time, some of which you've heard about on this blog. Yesterday afternoon I was reading a magazine and st... Posted by i want a word on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 05:36:00 PST |
Fame! (Well, kind of) |
Hi Guys, How's it going? Things here at "I want a word" are pretty good - the words are still coming in, slowly but surely, and I'm now up to a grand total of 46. That still may not sound that impress... Posted by i want a word on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 10:41:00 PST |
Win a word - the results |
Hi Everybody,Firstly, let me apologise for the delay in getting the results of the competition posted here. They should have been up yesterday afternoon, but I was having some kind of weird computer p... Posted by i want a word on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 03:12:00 PST |
Suffering for your art |
Regular readers of this blog will know that "I want a word" is far from being the only community writing project out there in cyberspace. You may, in particular, remember plotastic!, a project run by ... Posted by i want a word on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 04:44:00 PST |
Win a word |
Through the generosity of one of my contributors, I'm pleased to announce a competition where you could win the right to choose a word for inclusion in the "I want a word" book.So, what's the deal? We... Posted by i want a word on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 03:25:00 PST |
Exciting times! |
To be honest, I was feeling a bit despondent at the start of the week. I hadn't sold any words since the previous Monday, and I felt like I was struggling to maintain any real momentum with "I want a ... Posted by i want a word on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 08:19:00 PST |
Looking up, and name that tune |
Hi Everybody, Thanks for coming along to check out the "I want a word" blog. I'm pleased to report that I'm feeling a lot more positive than I was when I posted my last entry. For those of you who hav... Posted by i want a word on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 09:13:00 PST |