I've had the opportunity to meet many interesting people here - people I call true friends. There are however, some who just stand out and make a real impact on ones life. Brandon Hillock, of MarkedMen.net and Lizzy, who runs the Marked Men fan page here on MySpace are two such people! Please take a look at the following video - these guys and gals are great... and funny as hell too!Hello all! I'm part owner, captain, master craftsman, artist, grunt, janitor, designer and cabin boy of MacGowan’s Woodland Creations,, (MacGowan's) and as such I remain pretty busy mostly, but it keeps me out of the brig. MacGowan's is a division of FaerieLand Candle Company, Inc. We started the candle company in '03, and added the woodshop early last year when I realized I should start selling some of the wood products I loved to make in my spare time. Thus, MacGowan's was born!I decided to introduce my wooden tankards and goblets at Kansas City Ren Fest 07 and was astonished when my tankards sold out the first weekend! Since then my little company has grown fast - almost too fast to keep up with.MacGowan's Woodland Creations is a family owned and operated business in the state of Okalhoma. The other owners include my father, mother and sister. While I make and design most of our wood products, my father designs and makes a few incredible things when he can and it's my mother and sister who run the candle company.I really enjoy getting out and meeting new people - especially at the renaissance fairs! There are so many great and interesting people there - and here - (along with a few odd ones, but I won't name anyone in particular... you know who you are) and I've made many lifelong friends doing what I absolutely love to do!
My wood products all come with a lifetime guarantee against defects in materials and craftmanship. If your tankard, goblet or canteen should ever spring a leak just return it to me and I will either repair it or replace it - at my discretion. All tankards and goblets are coated with a durable poly finish on the outside and an FDA approved polymer on the inside that can withstand temperatures up to 400f! The canteens are coated with an FDA approved resin on the inside - good for wine, liquor, soda, or anything cold! There's nothing you can drink that you can put in your tankard or goblet that'll ruin it! Piping hot coffee, or ice cold beer - it's all good!For those of you who might not know: Your tankard or goblet should never be put in a microwave or dishwasher... or for that matter in an oven, under a moving car, in the way of a closing car door, etc... Also, using your tankard/goblet as a hammer, digging implement, shield, stepstool, etc... will void the warranty!FaerieLand Candle
Our candles are unique and very long lasting! The compliments we receive on a daily basis mean so much as about 70% of our customers are women who are true connoisseurs of fragrance and quality!
FaerieLand Candles are made with our own special blend of all natural waxes and burn very clean!! They also last so much longer than a typical paraffin candle which makes the small investment far more satisfying and more easily repeatable!As always, if you have any questions please feel free to call me (405) 519-2839 or email me
[email protected] anytime!JamesCheck out my good friends and AWESOME PIRATES at MarkedMen.net!!!href="http://www.myspace.com/markedmen1">
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