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I am here for Friends

About Me

My Interests

chillin' Out, frappes, pizza, HAMBURGER, cam whOrin', gym, cOheed and cambria, shOrt stOries, nOvels, war movies, pants, shOrts, beer, cute bOys, S*X(joke!) h2o, magz, curlash, pink lip glOss, flip-flOps, cOlogne, the sun, beach, getting a tan, fruit punch, flaming shOts, red, black, blue, white, pink, summer, night life, shisha, music, hugs, kisses, abs, pecs, coffee, celphone, www.friendster.com/fuelouch, www.fuelouch.multiply.com, http://vampirefreaks.com/ouch_oOps


rOck, hard cOre, oLd schOoL, ska, reggae, r&b, acOustic.. any genre! music lover here..


War Movies, Horror Movies, Vampire Movies, suspense, action, TRoY, texas chainsaw, 300!(ahu!)


the peep shOw, miami ink, mad tv, mtv, fear factOr, ALIAS..


Bob Ong's, Magz, Louie Mar Gangcuanco's Orosa-Nakpil, ghost stories . . i really love reading(^^, )


Your results:
You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 90% Spider-Man 90% Green Lantern 85% The Flash 85% Catwoman 75% Hulk 60% Supergirl 50% Batman 40% Iron Man 35% Superman 20% Robin 15% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test