for those who have this sites.. glad to be your friends here.. hehehe
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cOoKing.. pLAyiNg sKaTEbOard.. make'n RyMes.. suRfinG d neT.. expLoRinG UraNus (oH i mEan The woRLD..) LooKing & aDmiRinG goRgeouS FemAles.. eVen MiLfs... aNy GUrLS wUd MaKe mE HaPPi.. aS Long As There HoT...! hEkHEk
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weLL im dOWN wiTh RnB, hIphops,and some Of emO and alternative sOngs.. Fow sHOw.. aYYt.. anyTHing!! anyways ah can go wid daH fLow... Yah hErD..
all basketball movies, shes the man, my gurl, mafia(comedy), sPidey 3, transformers, A series of unfortunate events, Haws oF wAx, John Tucker Must Die, 300, 50 first dates, little nicky, joe's apartmnt, joe dirt, american pie, if only, x men, austin powers, cinderella story, lizzy mcguire movie, the longest yard, the animal, hot chick, The NoTeboOk, rush hour 1&2, Aqua marine, ants in the pants, also hiphop movies, stomp the yard, bones, the barber shop, money talks... damn men!!
JacK TV sHows, The Simps0ns(the best) carto0n neTwork, nickolodeon, searc for the next PCD,!!^^ that 70's show, the romeo show, arirang, and wOrld peace.. hehehe
'm not really into reading books but if i have 2 i just do it.. hekhekehek
Mah cRew... there Like Homies.. a brother may not always be a homie.. but homie will always be a brother..spider man... the best marvel hero... hehehe.. i wanna be just like him.. bt ill dominate the world dow.. hehehe...... my paRents men.. im sOo Glad that i was born o july 20,1987.. oyeh, now That im Born.. im freak'n dOin aLL The happy tHings i cOuld do in liFe.. and now, im gOnna take my studies seriously..nahihiyah nko sa mga heroes ko eH. HEhEHe..=) fOwReaL