Stalking elderly people, you never know what they'll do next! OR where they'll go next-IHOP or Denny's? You just dont know with those crazy cats!In my sparetime you'll find me at the nearest antique roadshow...just looking for sales and such. Next I bring booze over to a nearby elderly's crazy over there on Saturday nights, topless 80 year old women and elderly men tripping all over there breathing machines. Me?It's simple really, I have the bod of an elderly man and the personality of a saucy grandma at a nude beach.
If you have V Cast on your phone, go to comedytime channel and chickcomedy and you'll see me ranting about my adventures stalking Jon Lovitz. Ill say this much: It's worth checking out. Lovitz I'm after you. . .
I do play air jazz flute just to attract some gentlemen friends.
WALK HARD! Almost Famous, Half Nelson, any movie Will Ferrell is in.
My remote is lost.
I actually love to read...I've never read one Harry Potter book or scene one Harry Potter movie..but I'm fascinated by Harry Potter.I have a barnes and noble fetish. Screw librarys.
God is Good, and alot of people are good people!