CRINES tuvo un nombre imposible; primero se llamaron CRIN DE CRIN CRINES, y ni siquiera los miembros del grupo eran capaces de pronunciarlo. Con este nombre publicaron su primer LP: "Ha sido maravilloso, carino". La banda la forman por aquel
entonces: Michel Ortega, Tonin Ortega, Xabi Baldeon, Aitor Uno de los Nuestros ( e Inigo Etxeita.
Con la llegada del enigmatico Javi Pagola, se produce la gran mutacion y el grupo pasa a llamarse CRINES. Sale al mercado su segundo LP: "Material para coleccionistas". Sergio Fece produce una obra imperecedera de Rock visceral troglodita con tintes costa oeste y con una complejidad que situa a la banda en el espectro de formaciones malditas y minoritarias. A partir de este punto su musica se dirige a un publico mas inteligente que la media (es decir, poco publico). Al final la historia del disco hizo honor a su titulo.CRINES had an impossible name; initially they called themselves CRIN DE CRIN
CRINES, and even the group members couldn't pronounce it. With such name,
they published their first LP: "It has been wonderful, darling". In those
days the band line-up was: Michel Ortega, Tonin Ortega, Xabi Baldeon, Aitor
One of us ( and Inigo Etxeita. With the arrival of the
enigmatic Javi Pagola, the big transformation takes places and the band
becomes known as CRINES. Their second album is released: "Collectors item".
Sergio Fece produces a troglodytic visceral everlasting work with a west
coast flavour and a complexity that places the band in the spectrum of
damned underground acts. From then on their music is aimed at an audience
more intelligent than the average (that is, a small one). Eventually the
story of the record did its title justice.
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