Christian Music Hall of Fame profile picture

Christian Music Hall of Fame


About Me

Induction Awards Show

David L. Cook will be our host and Lulu Roman is our cohost for the televised event. The show will take place at the Frisco Cenvention Center ballroom in Frisco, Tx. Frisco is 20 miles north of Dallas. The show will he held on June 14th, 2008.

Artists scheduled to attend are:
David L. Cook
Lulu Roman
Gary S. Paxton
Larry Norman
Jessy Dixon
Kirk Talley
Matthew Ward (2nd Chapter of Acts)
Dorothy Norwood (for Herself and for the Caravans)
The Jordanaires (yes, the Elvis backup group!)
The Mighty Clouds of Joy
and many more coming on board...

This will be a monumental Christian event. We're celebrating the lives of those who spread their love of Christ through music. Be a part of it! Visit the official website at for all the details.

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My Interests

Preparing for what I have been led to do by bringing the world of Christian music to the masses through the Christian Music Hall of Fame and Museum.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ - Surrounded by His glory on earth, who else could you possibly want to meet?


Any and all Christian music. My absolute favorite song is Imagine by Mercy Me. The song still makes me nearly cry each and every time I hear it just imagining the awe of being in His presence. Then there is He's My Son by Mark Schultz. What an incredible song. There are the old country favorites I heard as a kid. Then you've got Third Day, Stryper and so many more. Just about anything that celebrates Him in some way.


Too numerous to mention.


The Bible, Left Behind series, Your Best Life Now and many other positive and faith based books.


Jesus Christ - I can think of no one else who would do what he did. No other hero can compare.

My Blog

His Will Be Done!

I've been asked why I would think people want such a charity and why I think they would give.  There are a number of answers, but my primary reason for starting this charity was the calling to do...
Posted by Christian Music Hall of Fame on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:05:00 PST

It's OK

We've received several messages from those who choose to complain that we are asking them for money. To clear things up, no charity in existance fails to ask for money. It is a necessary commodity to...
Posted by Christian Music Hall of Fame on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 08:25:00 PST

Simply Amazed

In only 1 day this site has become popular. Thanks to all who have made IHN a friend and I can only hope the support continues. What a blessing it is to have so many new friends who see what we're try...
Posted by Christian Music Hall of Fame on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 08:26:00 PST

MySpace community can deliver greatness!!!

After a lot of prayer, I decided to take what was given to me and challenge MySpace members to make history. Has there ever been a charity whose sole initial donations came directly from here? I don't...
Posted by Christian Music Hall of Fame on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 06:11:00 PST