Greetings in the name of our LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST and to the true GOD FATHER who art in HEAVEN. Who I’m I? Just a regular young lady', spreading the word of GOD through lyrics. Why? Because this Generations needs to know that GOD is still here waiting for them to turn from their ways to begin to yield unto the life of JESUS CHRIST in repentance of Sins. My goal is to spread the fame of the LORD's name out to this generation that has unconsciously forgot about GOD. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light, and I must continue to spread all of HIS laws commands and decrees(as HE commands me to do so), out to those who will receive HIS message so that they may receive HIM by the power of our FATHER'S SPIRIT who art in HEAVEN. It's time for someone to take a stand for JESUS CHRIST in justice and in faithfulness. And I want to be that person that can help prepare the nation to receive the son of man when HE comes back at any day or hour in these last days-which is unexpected.
I'm not here to hate on anyone, but to spread the love of JESUS CHRIST, because HE is the definition of LOVE and UNITY. Just as GOD loves all whom HE created, I want to share that love with you. We speak of what we know and testify of what we have seen the LORD has done in our lives.
The LORD saved my life back in July of 2006 and I didn't even know I had this gift until HE saved my life. See before I was living in darkness and never did want to come to the light, because I was afraid my evil deeds would be known unto the lord. I was living a fleshly and worldly lives style, and when ever I heard the name JESUS or Church I would boycott my soul from the principles of the truth. Why? because I thought I could handle my own life style. But unconsciously knowing the enemy had a hold of my life and blinded me from being able to see the truth, know the truth, or even speak the truth. I had so much lust on my heart, so much mischievous on my heart, so much negativity on my heart and I was worshiping idols and didn't even know until I gave my life to JESUS CHRIST, and HE made all things known unto me buy HIS holy spirit from the FATHER in HEAVEN through HIS WORD-which stands forever.
I had to actually analyze my self and realize that my way was no way, it was leading me down a pit, the bottomless pit that is. I had to mature and leave my old way of life to begin a fresh new start with the LORD JESUS CHRIST. HE started maturing me in HIS holy word as I came to HIM as I humbled my self unto him as a baby. HE started teaching me the true principles in life, on how to be humble, loyal, honest, faithful, kind, and considerate of others. HE is still teaching me to this day, because I know that I'm not perfect, and their is no perfect person with out sin in this world. - There was only one that was perfect in all of HIS ways, resisting temptation at the %100 of HIS ability, and there was only one that blameless all the way to HIS temporary death on to the cross. And as HE rose on the 3rd day with all power in HIS hand, HE glorified the FATHER's name who art in HEAVEN, by the faithfulness of HIS lifestyle. HE did the FATHER's will and not HIS own, and that's the leader of whom I will follow all the way through this movement. HE is the UNMOVED MOVER and we must be HIS true worshipers, true believers and true followers and be an untouchable through JESUS CHRIST, because through HIM we will be victorious over all the battles in our lives, because HE will redeem us all as we humble ourselves unto HIM through HIS every day salvation.
I'm here to put JESUS name on the map, and to make my self less important as HE becomes way.... more important. And I am here to speak the truth from the word of GOD in spirit and in truth. NOT to distort the truth, NOT to mix the world in with the Truth, NOT to boast in my self so that others may run after me, never that!!! I'm here to boast in the LORD and HIM alone. To lift his name up as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert. YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO KNOW NOR REMEMBER MY NAME!!!
I will stand firm all the way to the end, GOD has my trust through HIS son JESUS CHRIST.
And yes my testimony is a way more deeper than the notes I have typed above, the enemy has been attacking me ever since I was a toddler, but by GOD’S grace I am now healed and here to tell how HE delivered me mentally and spiritually.
My full testimony... to be continued...
I hope yall enjoy the LORD's music because it is HIS, I give him all the credit!!! For HE gives me the knowledge wisdom and understanding through HIS holy word to speak the truth in spirit and in truth. Let GOD get all the GLORY in JESUS NAME AMEN!!!
ONE more then that I ask from you family is, pray for me, no really pray for me when you get the chance, because I need all the help that the LORD will give unto me by HIS power.
Grace and Peace be with your hearts from our FATHER WHO art in HEAVEN!
"Those who love ME love my words"- JESUS CHRIST
"To be my disciple you must leave all that you have behind and not turn back to follow ME"- JESUS CHRIST
"Who ever boast, let him boast in the LORD alone!"- TRUTH
When pride comes, then comes shame... BUT when you are humbled, you shall be exalted.
For who is my family? Those who do the will of my FATHER in heaven are my true mother,brother, or sister"- CHRIST!
The Rapture.... "The Coming of the CHRIST!!! We gettin' ready to go home mayne!!! And dat's just whatitizzz... at "THE END" wich is whO?!? CHRIST!
Whatitizz.... this your sista' in CHRIST, JESUS most definent. This spiritual movement is strictly for proclaiming of the TRUTH wich is CHRIST our LORD and SAVIOR. We boast in nothin' but the LORD!!! We exalt HIS name most high, higher than the heaven skies we try, stay praisen HIM till the day we rise wich will be at the RAPTURE the coming of the CHRIST. We stay denying our selves and loving our FATHER with all of our Heart with all of our Strength , with all of our Mines and all of our Souls. This movement is strictly to prepare the way of the CHRIST that will be comin' soon to a city near you... we dont know the day, nor the hour when HE gon' come... but while we waiting... we gon' stay grindin' and hustlin for HIM and HIM only.... gaining HIS true worshipers and beleivers in these LAST DAYZ!!! that's just whatitizz..... this is only the beginning of a powerful movement for CHRIST... stay tuned as HE moves us to a Higher Dimension with HIS mighty Hand....on the next level that we will be on through HIS will and HIS will only, AMEN!
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