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Brandon Ingle

We are far too easily pleased.

About Me

Deep down inside, everyone is essentially the same. If you look close enough, you and I really aren’t that different at all. Your heart is passionately in love with something. Long ago, before life became clouded with schedule’s and routines, life’s purpose was to find what that was and then to live it out. I’ve found mine.The surface of mine, I discovered almost before I could speak. My mother ahs the voice of an angel and my house has always been filled with music. Long before I knew what I had found, my passion for music had blossomed. I was hooked, made music, or as my family called it “noise” with everything I could get my hands on. I, not to feed the cliché, performed everything form Al Green to George Straight, to the Beatles. Point is, as a child I viewed music as it should be, a living thing not to be constrained by genres. The only genres that existed in my world were “good music” and “not-so-good music.” For me, music equaled passion. Throughout the years that followed I began to learn that the world wasn’t perfect. There were people suffering who were no more deserving of it than you or I. There was nothing, I felt, I could do about it. I found my escape in music, but at that point it consisted only of singing my soul out and beating my drums to death. I got my first guitar my freshman year of college, and wrote my first song to win the heart of a girl. After all, every song in some way or another is about love isn’t it? But the discovery of this ability to play guitar and to form these feelings and ideas into songs brought about the passion that goes much deeper than the music that lies on the surface. People need to know that they really aren’t that different. They need to get lost in a melody, a lyric, a conversation that ‘s more than small talk. Whether it be on eight hour bus rides with forty guys and a guitar on a baseball road trip, or two best friends in the living room hearing the “new stuff” for the first time, it’s irrefutable, music, living music brings people together. Shortly after graduating college, I took off with a dream to make this two-fold passion my life. Now in Nashville it’s all coming to a head. When times get hard remember what the Doobie Brothers said, “You’ll always have the chance to give up, so why do it now?” My hope, in this biography, in my music, in my life is that whether it be through a song you hear or a conversation we have, you wouldn’t be able to help but breathe in my heart, my passion, my music. Cheers.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/31/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:
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Influences: My friends.
Sounds Like: A soothing melody mixed w/ meaningful words. A refreshing dose of "real" in the world that often seems otherwise fake.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New Podcasts

So, me and committments aren't that great together. TRUE. BUT, I have done the first of what I hope is many video podcasts. Just search youtube for Brandon Ingle and there should be a video called "Ru...
Posted by Brandon Ingle on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 08:59:00 PST

Me and Ace haha

Posted by Brandon Ingle on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 05:58:00 PST

For all the NACAA folks

Thanks so much for having me out last night guys. It was a blast to play for ya. Even moreso to get to hang out with you afterwards. Fun times. And hopefully I'll see all of ya soon! keep in touchB...
Posted by Brandon Ingle on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 12:17:00 PST

Brownstones Cancelled!!!!

Hey guys, I'm ridiculously sorry. I had to cancel the show at Brownstone's for Friday June 8th. An opportunity came up to play at NACA. I'll have deatils later. We rescheduled Brownstone's for August ...
Posted by Brandon Ingle on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 09:30:00 PST

Piano Man

i was going to blog about how good billy joel is, but i'm too tired. i saw him in new orleans tonight..he tears the piano up. and humps it at times. true statement. b
Posted by Brandon Ingle on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 12:27:00 PST


So somewhat recently my song "Don't Give Up" was picked to be used in the trailer for a movie called "BAG."  "BAG," is a film that will soon be taken to schools around the country as part of a pr...
Posted by Brandon Ingle on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 01:55:00 PST

I love my new shoes.

I'm horrible at "blogging," but i'm making a deal. I will do my best to blog at least once a week from here on out, whether it be heavy and deep, or shallow and pedantic.  "Pedantic"- I hear...
Posted by Brandon Ingle on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:03:00 PST


Jackson was great fun this weekend. Sorry to anyone who missed out. Friday night out was great, and saturday night "Patio Night" was a success. Old friends, New friends, good times.  Saw some fol...
Posted by Brandon Ingle on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 11:23:00 PST

New Song!

Check out "stay". Recorded it at Starstruck with mr charlie. Hope you guys like. Also, is being worked on hard and thanks to mr. phil jones will be up very shortly. He's also working ...
Posted by Brandon Ingle on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 08:01:00 PST


I've been listening to Jon M's new cd "continuum" and i must say at first listen i was disappointed. But by the second time through I was blown away. I don't care that he's "mainstream" and it's not t...
Posted by Brandon Ingle on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 09:57:00 PST