[ about me ]
where should i start? well, i'm filipino with spanish descent. i have greenish-brown eyes and a dark brown hair. i'm a runner, and i love being athletic. i'm also a good dancer, and i can sing pretty damn well when the right moment is on my side. right now, i'm finishing college and excited.i'm an open-minded, down-to-earth type of person. i enjoy entertaining and making anyone, i meet, laugh. spending time with my friends and cousins are a must, they help me ease my stressful mind. if time permits, i would love to travel the world, live in different parts of the seven continents, and probably, build my own city..jk. if you would like to know more about me, don't be hesitant to ask me. send me a message or post me a comment. don't worry, i don't bite! haha peace out!