Use to have a martial art school I belted in Kenpo but cross trained in JKD some Jujitsu and Kali.I sold finacial services for about 4 years [Life Insurance and Mutal Funds]I worked in the casino industry as a crap dealer, also as a pit boss.Used to paint, (oil medium, don't have time anymore. Miss it). But replaced it with Videography [I now video and edit] I do mostly music videos [right now HipHop and R&B, New to HIp Hop, plan on expanding to Rock and Roll and Jazz]
If you'd like to get a video done, just holla.
MySpace Layouts MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace BackgroundsI'm also up for a short feature, if you have any ideas ;p, again holla.
Presently I am an entrepreneur.
I sell Real Estate so anyone thinking of buying in Vegas I Will Find You The Best Deal On The Market! Hit the link.
Vegas Real EstateI have some ideas for parties, so you and I can network. Thats why I've added so many friends. Nothing like buisness for pleasure.Love win win scenarios. It's how I live my life.Sorry if I don't get to you right away, but my ultimate goal is to meet you all face to face.Please check out my blogs. I will cover many topics.Thanks Sifu
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