REMY PRESAS[RIP] profile picture


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About Me

Modern Arnis is an eclectic (made up from elements from various sources) style. Professor Presas traveled around the Philippines for many years studying various types of Filipino martial arts. He assimilated these arts into his existing body of Martial Arts knowledge. Modern Arnis is in some ways a generic term for Professor Remy Presas' personal interpretation of Filipino martial art.Modern Arnis contains many parts. There are empty hand forms, stick forms, Filipino Jujutsu, grappling, kicking, Sinawali Boxing, stick and dagger, knife, double stick, single stick, anti-stick grabbing, as well as combinations of all the parts mentioned. Professor Presas likes to say it's all covered in three forms of "play": Espada y Daga (sword or stick and dagger), Sinawali (a double stick weaving pattern), and solo baston (single stick).Professor Presas was trained in the family style of Arnis, Presas Style by his grandfather. This style included the Blade Art of the Presas' family, the Palis-Palis. After leaving home at age 14, Professor Presas first studied under Rodolfo Moncal and Timoteo Maranga, and then graduated to Grandmaster Venancio "Anciong" Bacon in Cebu. From Bacon he learned and mastered Bacon's Balintawak eskrima (eskrima = fencing), a counter for counter style known for aggressive counter attacks. Balintawak and Presas Family Arnis are the foundations of Modern Arnis. Other Filipino martial arts masters taught him as he grew up.Prof. Presas was also an avid practitioner of Shotokan Karate and Judo. He studied Kendo (Japanese sword fighting). He studied Kuntao Silat (an empty hand art) and Filipino Dumog (wrestling style). In his quest to learn he became obsessed with learning the guiding principals of Filipino martial arts. As he taught he mastered the concepts that make up the core of Filipino martial art. He called it "The art within your art." All this blended together and started to be distilled down into what would eventually be called Modern Arnis. In 1957 Professor Presas established Modern Arnis and he was officially declared the father and founder of Modern Arnis by the Filipino Government.

My Interests

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A person who attacks you should feel instant pain One of the single best training tools in GM Presas' system is Tapi-Tapi, with all its variation, free-flowingness, and applications put in - WONDERFUL! Of course, the full gamut of other drills are explored as well as their variations involving applications, follow-ups, empty-hand translations, guntings, disarms, counters, striking styles, locks, reversals, takedowns, pins, etc. Some of these are:the 12 Basic Strikes the Basic Blockssweep (stick-up and stick-down), umbrella (inside and outside), cutting Striking Styleslabtik, witik, tusok, punyo, banda-y-banda, rompida, taas-baba, abaniko (largo & corto, single- and double-action), piguro de otso, double zero X, pabilog (arko) Multitudinous SinawalisSingle Sinawali, 4-ct Single, Double Sinawali, 3-ct Sinawali , Reverse Sinawali, Heaven 6, Earth 6, 4-ct Double, and on and on. Anyos (forms)empty-hand, single cane, double cane, and staff the Flow Drill "Dance of Pain"Flowing effortlessly from joint lock to joint lock while inserting throws, takedowns, pins, come-alongs, etc. Palis-Palis Abanico (Corto, Largo, Double Action, etc) Single Dagger Espada-y-daga the 6-Count Drill (Anim na Bilang) and the Box Drillsame-side and opposite-side Tapi-TapiR vs. L, R vs. R, and crossovers

My Blog

Taken from remy's first book[1974]

Cardinal Rules or Principles in Arnis By nature man is never violent. Unless otherwise affected by some physical or psychological affliction, or forced by outside reasons or provocations, no man will ...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 19:53:00 GMT